31 🗡️🖤🗡️ Unsaid

227 4 2

12th May Cont...

I've got to get out of here. If I can't stop you, the least I can do is warn Roxy. I run to the window, fling it open in time to see you running from the house to your pick up.

'Macallan,' I yell, and you slowly come to a stop, and then turn around. 'Don't go. Please.'

'I have to, you know this,' you yell up at the window.

'Then take me with you.'

'No, this is no place for you.' You sound desperate and I know there is more to this than I had realized. Something else is going on here. Some other play. Something to do with you coming to find me at the club.

'What's going on?' I shout.

'You know what's going on.' You shout back.

'No... What's really going on?'

You pace in front of your pick up, then stopping and looking up at me, you say, 'I have to go and you have to trust me.'

I climb up onto the windowsill. It's not easy to do wearing only a bath towel. I step one leg over the window frame.

'What are you doing?' you shout.

'I'm coming with you,' I say. My voice surprisingly calm for someone balanced half way out of a second story window, wearing only a towel.

'What? No. Fuck Amber,' you yell, as my towel falls, and I put the other leg out, balancing my hands and arse on the window ledge.

I look down, assess my options. From here, I can jump onto the downstairs porch roof, and from there, I can shimmy down the poles of the porch.

'Amber, no,' you yell. 'You're fucking naked, get back inside.'

I shake my head, turnover, so my stomach is on the windowsill, and lower my arse out of the window, till I'm hanging onto the frame with my fingers. Then I let go and fall down onto the porch roof.

'Ow!' I yell as I land on the porch roof and my ankle rolls.

'Amber, what the fuck?' you shout, running towards me, 'you're fucking insane.'

'I'm insane?' I yell back, 'You're the one threatening to kill three people.'

I lower myself over the edge of the porch roof, searching for the pole with my legs, then shimmy down it, and into your arms.

You wrap your shirt around me. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do with you. Jesus, Amber. For once in your life won't you just fucking listen to me?'

'No, I'm not letting this happen,' I yell back.

We face each other, both panting, chest rising and falling, you're flexing your knuckles, but I know you won't hit me.

You grab for me, and I scream, push you away, and then your hands are around me, dragging me back inside and up the stairs.

Once inside, you push me towards the cage, and I scream, 'No fucking way, you are not going to leave me in there.'

'I'm not fucking leaving you, you fucking brat,' you say, as you push me closer to the cage. 'I'm not going anywhere until I've taught you a lesson. I'm sick of you not listening to me.'

'You're not leaving me?'

'No, I'm not leaving you.'

'Even after seeing that video?'

'Even after seeing that video.'

'But why? Why aren't you leaving. You saw what I did.'

'It's just sex Amber. Yeah, it fucking hurts me. But I've had nights like that - nights where I'm so high I don't know who I'm fucking. I don't know what you took, but I can pretty much guarantee that Roxy gave it to you. Am I right?'

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