Chapter 8

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Mobei-Jun's POV

Mobei-Jun had a lot to think about. If Shang Qinghua's father acknowledged him as his son, he would inherit the title of Jun and have a similar rank as Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe. That would make him, also if he didn't inherit the title, still a high born son of said lord. Jiayao-Jun. So Shang Qinghua wasn't only a Peak Lord (a lower ranking one) in the human world which Mobei-Jun didn't really count... he would be a prince, a future lord of the demon realm. He was already a demon now. Mobei-Jun feared he would lose Shang Qinghua as his servant. Only as his servant? Something was clearly wrong. He wouldn't feel so... distressed if Shang Qinghua was only a servant for him. There was something more he couldn't really pin down and explain to himself. Back as he got his ancestral magic, he had initially brought Shang Qinghua, not as his servant but as his confidant. He had believed Shang Qinghua would help him. He had expected it. Maybe that was one of the many failures he had committed. And only now he saw what he did. Shang Qinghua wanted to go, but he stayed - for whatever reasons- and had actually helped him. Saved his life, again. On his own. Without Mobei-Jun ordering him to do it. And what did he do to thank him? Not hitting him. Yes. But that wouldn't do a thing if Shang Qinghua left his side to stay at his father's palace. He had to do something about it... but he didn't know what or how.

He observed Shang Qinghua while they ate, his eyes roaming more than once over the indecent display. The little demon in only his inner robes, at least his upper half. His tail had found a way out of his robes, swishing back and forth. A bare nape, almost in front of him. He only had to lift his hand to lay a hand on the tantalizing skin, to feel the warmth that was such an intense contrast to his own body temperature. Shang Qinghua was in such good spirits that he almost didn't recognise the other. It was rare to see him so confident. Not hiding behind him, not clinging to his legs. If he was honest, he really liked the tight grip from Shang Qinghua's hands and arms clinging to his legs. Mobei-Jun felt then somehow mightier than ever, providing protection and now? Shang Qinghua seemed to get more and more independent. His next actions only underlined Mobei-Jun's thoughts. He stood and snatched the pile of documents.

"I will bring order to the chaos we made. Luo Binghe, please let me know when you send out the messengers. I am also at your service if you should need this humble servant's writing-skills. And I wish everyone a good night!" Shang Qinghua slightly bowed towards Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu and Mobei-Jun, then he left, with a spring in his step. With a spring in his step! Mobei-Jun looked after him and then stared down at his almost empty bowl. He was so eager to meet this demon, who could be his father and would lift the secrets of his heritage. Was there any other way to find it out? Could he stop Shang Qinghua from meeting Jiayao-Jun? But he also knew it could be dangerous if his heritage showed. Not only for himself but also for others... Was it a mighty heritage? Should he just sneer and ignore it? Ignore Shang Qinghua? He couldn't. Mobei-Jun did so at first. For a few years, he mostly ignored Shang Qinghua despite the uses he had. That shifted with the years until he almost every time had an eye on the little human. Only pretending he didn't care. He was maybe way too good at that... Otherwise Shang Qinghua wouldn't act as he acted. Deeply in thought, he only noticed Shen Qingqiu looking at him. After finishing his soup, he absent-mindedly nibbled at the roast. Mobei-Jun frowned at the other Peak Lord, who was not looking as if it was a casual glance.

"I never saw you this deep in thought - ever." Luo Binghe also looked at him, after he had noticed Shen Qingqiu's gaze, directed at the demon-king of the northern desert. Mobei-Jun's facial features became almost dark. Growling, he stood up.

"That's none of your business." Without further words he left.

That night he didn't find any rest, only thinking about how he could prevent Shang Qinghua from leaving. The messengers were probably capable and would find the Lord of The Green-Golden Valley. It was only a question of at most a few days. He could interrupt them, even kill them, but it wouldn't prevent Luo Binghe from sending even more... wondering and investigating, only to find his trusted subordinate sabotaging him. That could get ugly quickly. He wasn't stupid. He had lost against his king once. Mobei-Jun didn't need a reminder. Luo Binghe descended from a heavenly demon, Mobei-Jun not. He needed another approach... then he remembered, after rolling around in his bed once more, the look Shang Qinghua threw at Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu. As his king brought his Shizun, the self made noodle- soup and the sappy behavior of them both all day long, as long as they stayed together. It was tooth achingly sweet and unbecoming of the king of the demon-realm, but on this Luo Binghe and his father Tianlang-Jun didn't really fall far from one another. At least concerning what he had heard and noticed of Luo Binghe's father. Everyday Shen Qingqiu got spoiled all over, getting cooked a fresh meal for every time of the day, and he seemed to enjoy it greatly. A plan formed in his head and he couldn't wait for the next day to get it into motion.

Mobei-Jun was walking back and forth in the kitchen, waiting for Luo Binghe. Having enough from that restless night and from rolling around uselessly in his bed, he now was uselessly meandering back and forth disturbing the demons who were busy preparing the breakfast, providing food for every demon who needed a meal. There was a lot of food, and the demons were already busy for some hours. But Mobei-Jun knew that Luo Binghe was also an early bird in serving his Shizun. It had to be the time already, no?

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