Chapter 10

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Shang Qinghua wasn't even sure if this demon lord was his father, but if ... he was an incubus, too. Holy shit! That's some shit that would hit him hard. Did this mean he needed sex for a living? If so, he was going to die. Miserably. Probably wanking himself to death or something. His heightened mood from the really... intriguing display was gone. And he still couldn't place Mobei-Jun's looks he got now more than ever. Shang Qinghua frowned at him in question. His king only looked away, concentrating on Fu, who was explaining a little how they would find a way to the palace and where was what. After they had properly introduced themselves. Shang Qinghua only heard him with one ear. He was caught in his head for now. Fu also asked questions about the new arrivals. They were cleverly woven into his 'guided tour'.

"So, how long are you two together?" He asked, looking towards Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu. "It's not unheard of for a marriage between men. I am the last to say something against it. I only recently got the information of you two ruling the demon realm." Fu winked at that.

"But for a mighty demon like yourself, it would be a shame to go without a successor." Luo Binghe thought about that, while Shen Qinqiu only fanned himself a little harder, hiding behind his exquisitely painted piece of fabric. Very convenient. Shang Qinghua needed something like that, too.

"A few months married, before that it was... an up and down.... and if I cease to exist, I will find a replacement beforehand. It's not really necessary to have one of my blood."

It was an honest answer. Shang Qinghua had stayed long enough at the side of his king and Luo Binghe to notice that. Also, this Luo Binghe was lovely. Most of the time, he had his Stallion-Novel-Protagonist sides, too, but far less pronounced. As a kid, he was mostly sweet. Tooth-achingly so, and even now he was honest and often cute. He could let people's hearts melt if he wanted. With his cuteness, or with fiery anger... Both were kind of frightening. But despite his honestness, Shang Qinghua could see that he would like a blood-related heir, even if that was impossible with Shen Qingqiu. Maybe he only wanted one with Shen Qingqiu (that child would be a piece of work and incredibly beautiful). And how his attraction towards his Shizun lay, a woman who would bear his child would be out of the question. Even if Shen Qingqiu would probably relent, if Luo Binghe was insisting (which would never happen, because he was obsessed with his Shizun). Then, Fu looked at Shang Qinghua and then at Mobei-Jun.

"And you two?" If Shang Qinghua had something to drink, he would spit it out, drenching everyone around him in his drink and spit. Now he only choked at his own spit and had to cough heavily, heaving.

"We're not together." His king replied instead and warily eyed Shang Qinghua, while Shen Qingqiu patted Shang Qinghua's back with his fan. Fu only looked them both up and down, gave an ambiguous 'hmn' and left it at that. A small smile around his lip's. What the hell?

Shang Qinghua looked, hopefully inconspicuous towards Mobei-Jun as they finally left the jungle-like forest and entered the palace grounds through a big gate. What was his king thinking? Was it okay for him? Mobei-Jun was just a rock concerning his emotions, and Shang Qinghua thought he had enough rock-emotion-knowledge to decipher Mobei-Jun's moods. Obviously he had not. Mobei-Jun was always aware of him, it seemed, as their gazes met, and Shang Qinghua quickly looked away and gave more of his attention towards the surroundings.

Everything was beautifully built and crafted, with lush floral decorations that imbedded the fertile environment. Golden embellishments and greenery in various forms were present everywhere. And the murals were much more into the naughty part, it seemed. Several pictures (only the ones he explicitly noticed, there were probably much more around, he didn't even see) depicted humans and demons in various sexual acts. Also, not only the architecture was a sight to behold. Even the servants were all good looking. Holy shit. That was a place... like heaven. Every demon and human he laid eyes on looked beautiful. And even the 'cruder' ones had a look about them that was intriguing. Some succubi eyed them up and down. How could he tell they were succubi? They just had this aura... they seemed more ethereal than the other demons. At least to him. One of them even stepped a little towards them, raising her voice, while mostly looking at Luo Binghe, but also appreciatively at Mobei-Jun - even Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua.

"Ohh. I hope you all stay a bit. You look like you would taste divine! Everyone in their own unique way~" She chirped and enticingly tightened her dress around her form even more, so they could see 'the goods'. Shang Qinghua stared at her. He couldn't otherwise.

"Please, a little more restraint. You will surely have the time to know them better, but this is good only if they agree." Fu's words were gentle and soft, but also reprimanding and the succubi slightly bowed towards him.This was such a stark contrast towards the world he now was living in, normally relatively prude most of the time. In his previous life, he had watched way too much porn and he sometimes missed it to be perfectly honest. And with his deviating Protagonist - there was way less beautiful women-action around them. But way more Shen Qingqiu getting-railed -action. Hmn, he wasn't sure if he wanted to see that.He sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a moment.

Finally, they reached a big hall, where the guests seemed to get greeted and also a crossing between a throne room, where someone could hold court. It was adequately spaced. As they neared the pedestal with the... thrones there were two, they could see a beautiful, ethereal woman sit on the smaller throne. Her hair was black, shimmering like sapphires in the sunbeams streaming in through high windows. Shang Qinghua glanced slightly towards Mobei-Jun. His hair was also the same color... Fu was still explaining a little the layout of the palace, but assured them they would get a better tour, if they wanted, later. Like it was the most natural thing in the world, Fu took some finely crafted robes from a servant who stood by and pulled it over his inner robes. At the same moment, something happened that would probably stick to Shang Qinghua for a long time.

His form shimmered, almost blurred, as it changed. He grew a bit bigger, had more defined muscles and filled his clothes out much better and even before that, he was already a big guy. His dark hair got a shine to them, growing to a fuller, wavier finish. Horns appeared at his forehead, similar to the ones Shang Qinghua had, only bigger, more defined and a solid black color. The matching tail swished not shortly after through the air, and as Fu was turning towards them, his grin was filled with some more sharp teeth. His brown eyes now held a yellowish glint shimmered in amusement and the demon mark on his forehead was a bright golden yellow. Shang Qinghua gaped and the others also witnessed this display with interest. Shen Qingqiu was hiding his face behind his fan again and Mobei-Jun slightly shifted his stance. This smelled a little suspicious, so Shang Qinghua could understand his cautiousness. The woman on the side just smiled at them, seemingly amused by their reactions. She giggled, then stood and slightly stepped towards them. She had a wonderful dress in shimmering blue, revealing her womanly figure in enticing glimpses. Her eyes were a sparkling, fresh green and her skin was white as snow. A succubus as well.

"I see my husband has pulled one of his tricks again. He only takes the form of Fu if he visits Chao and Lao at the lake, a convenient place to intercept visitors. I assume you got a glimpse of our life here? I may take the honor of introducing my humble self. I am called Yanya and I am the wife of my dear Jiayao, right here." To hear that she exactly knew what her husband was probably doing and being okay with it was evidence that things were going differently here. She held her hand in his direction. He took it in his bigger one and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, his eyes sparkling with adoration at her. Together they bowed slightly in the direction of their visitors, before they both sat down in their rightful places.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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