Chapter 9

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Shang Qinghua's POV

Excitement coursed through his veins. Every day that passed was one day closer to the final day of the meeting, or audience. He didn't know exactly what it was called, but they mostly addressed it to Luo Binghe. His 'son' could bring some people and it was pretty much very quick determined who would come. Shang Qinghua, of course, then Shen Qingqiu, who couldn't wait to see this valley he had never heard of, and finally Mobei-Jun, who seemed reluctant. That Shang Qinghua couldn't understand, even less so, since his king had cooked for him. Almost every meal he got a new dish from his king and everything was delicious. Maybe it wasn't the best cooking he ever had, to be honest, but it was handmade by his king! It simply had to be the most delicious food he ever tasted. The most magnificent cooking his taste buds could ever taste. So it was the best cooking he ever had. Shang Qinghua couldn't point out what had changed, but he was so happy about it, he never really thought too much about it, what was more concerning was his king's behavior towards his revelation towards Jiayao-Jun, who they would visit soon. Also, Shang Qinghua felt that his time was running out. Every day seemed to get a little worse. He had felt fine after the transformation and everything went smoothly, but the last few days, despite the changes of his body, he felt every day a bit more strange. It made him uneasy, because he couldn't pin it down. Shang Qinghua felt like a ticking time-bomb. So as if something would happen soon, but he couldn't say what it was, only that it wasn't good. Not for him or others...

It was nowadays every few hours Mobei-Jun said something that let Shang Qinghua frown and think about every word Mobei-Jun said to him. This also grated on his nerves. From, you just go look at how he is and come back with us and make another meeting later on. Or 'Are you really sure you want this demon to be your dad?'. His king seemed to be more vocal about the things he did for Shang Qinghua. Reminding him now and then what he had done for him. How he wouldn't be Peak Lord without him, or that he wouldn't be alive without him. That he needed to get back to the northern palace to fulfill his duties (pencil-pusher).

It was rather weird, because Mobei-Jun never had done something like that before. He wasn't very vocal to begin with and now said such things all the time. It was very weird and Shang Qinghua couldn't think about why. Or maybe he was too distracted by his body. This morning he noticed that his energy-flow seemed off, but he couldn't make sense of it. Was it a deviation? He tried to think about other stuff. Jiayao-Jun might help... he really hoped. Maybe he was also way too excited to really think about what Mobei-Jun tried to imply. He focused more on thoughts like, What could he wear? How would his dad be? Could he help him? Would he help him? Was he his dad? Had he a wife? A Husband? Children? It wasn't an opportunity to not reveal himself right from the start. Because simply he felt he had not much time left... He knew himself. Shang Qinghua would bust in right through the door and shout out what he thought, or some such, after he couldn't hold it back anymore.

But also despite him not promising his king what he wanted - staying calm and revealing his assumptions to himself, he this time wouldn't budge. Shang Qinghua simply needed to know, and it was somehow not really surprising that Mobei-Jun wanted his servant to turn onto his back and obey. He was cautious and also wanted control over Shang Qinghua. In the past, Mobei-Jun always had it, but Shang Qinghua wanted so much to finally know more that he couldn't give in.

"No, my king. With due respect. I don't want to wait any longer." He couldn't wait any longer. Shang Qinghua finally answered after yet another try. Before he only had ignored it, or just changed the topic, but that wouldn't go well for eternity. Especially not if the audience was tomorrow. He wanted to go. Mobei-Jun just growled, his hand raised for a hit. Shang Qinghua flinched back from his king, staring at him in disbelief. His king hadn't hit him for a while now? Shang Qinghua couldn't believe it and closed his eyes, expecting pain. The hit never came. As he opened his eyes again, his king was gone, probably vanished through the shadows. That was the last he saw of his king that day, and even the meals stopped. What was going on? Why didn't Mobei-Jun suddenly want to know about his heritage? His king was the one at first to push him into finding it! Mobei-Jun was an ice demon. He knew what could happen when Shang Qinghua didn't get any help.

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