6: Territorial Management

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I recruited Bleu and Vert to be my maids, and though the process was quite violent, they didn't retort even a little afterwards which I don't know how I feel about that. Reminds me of Tempest.

Rouge: "So here we are, my territory. Pretty neat don't you think?"

Bleu: "Yes, my lord's fortress is wonderful!"

Vert: "There is no other that can rival the magnificence of my lord's territory."

You know what? I don't think I really like it.

Rouge: "Hey you two, we are fellow primordials aren't we? So please call me Rouge."

Bleu and Vert: "Of course, Rouge-sama."

Rouge: "Alright, now, I'll give you a tour of my fortress."

I start heading into my fortress as my subordinates open the gate for us upon seeing our arrival.

Like I did with my other subordinates, I showed them the amenities that I have available, which made them have expressions of surprise. Bleu especially adored the large kitchen.

Finally, we ended the tour with the throne room.

Rouge: "And that ends our tour. So a few things I'd like to mention. Firstly, you both will be my personal maids and you can basically just prepare meals, clean and accompany me if I need you to."

Bleu and Vert: "Yes, Rouge-sama."

Rouge: 'Hey Ciel what else does Guy make them do?'

Ciel: 'Rain and Misery were tasked with the observation of other races due to Guy Crimson being appointed as a mediator, but normally they don't do anything.'

Rouge: 'So you're telling me Guy makes his maids do nothing but stand next to him all day? That's so unproductive!'

Rouge: "I will also permit you to speak your mind anytime you want. I don't mind having some of your opinions especially if you find something lacking."

Bleu and Vert look at me with surprise.

Vert: "Thank you, Rouge-sama. There could never be anything wrong with your own judgement."

Rouge: "I don't think-"

Bleu: "Oh yay! Thanks Rouge-sama! You were always known as the toughest demon so I thought we'd have fates worse than death if we had to serve you for eternity!"

Vert: "Bleu what do you think you're saying? Bad-mouthing our lord, and directly in front of him!"

Bleu: "Oh relax Vert, Rouge-sama gave his permission for us to speak freely so why don't you let loose for once?"

Vert: "Please forgive her indiscretion Rouge-sama."

Rouge: "I don't mind, besides it wasn't really an insult to me."

Bleu: "Oh yeah Rouge-sama, how did you make that hot spa thing you said earlier? Also, can I check out the kitchen?"

Rouge: "The hot spa just has water that is heated constantly by a large rune. But, you two can feel free to visit both the kitchen or hot spa whenever you want."

Bleu and Vert: "Yes, thank you Rouge-sama."

Bleu turns and runs out of the throne room. But just as she got to the door I shout.

Rouge: "And before you go!"

Bleu immediately stops and turns to me with an annoyed look.

Rouge: "I'd like to give the two of you names."

Bleu runs back and stands in front of me and bows slightly.

Bleu: "If you'll allow me the honor of receiving a name first, Rouge-sama."

Vert sighs and also turns to me, bowing slightly.

Vert: "Rouge-sama, are you certain of granting names to your lowly maids?"

Bleu: "Oh come on Vert it's free names!"

Vert: "Bleu can you ever read the room?"

Rouge: "And I shall grant you two the names: 'Rain' and 'Misery'."

Bleu and Vert both started being wrapped in a black cocoon and they successfully evolved into demon peers.

Rain: "Thank you for granting me, formerly Bleu, the name 'Rain', Rouge-sama."

Misery: "I also give my thanks to you, Rouge-sama, for giving me the name 'Misery'."

Rouge: "Serve me well to live up to your names."

Rain then respectfully bows before sprinting out of the throne room towards the kitchen. Misery sighs heavily once again.

Rouge: "You can join her if you want, Misery."

Misery then nods and walks slowly out of the throne room, closing the doors on her way out.

I head towards my throne and once again sit down upon it, thinking about what I should do next.

In the next couple of years, Rain and Misery has been assisting the work in the castle, cooking and cleaning for me and my subordinates. I needed to teach them first with the help of Ciel though. I also asked Rain and Misery to help train my subordinates, who were at first hesitant, to become stronger. Since Rain and Misery have names, they easily beat up their prides enough so that they'll get accepted as teachers. From time to time, I would spar with Misery and Rain to make sure their combat skills don't deteriorate. As per usual I put them down rather easily if I do put some effort in.

I also got some of Misery and Rain's subordinates to come to my domain. Thus, I had to expand my fortress which now has various rooms for each demon I coercively hired. By now, this is good progress!

I also named all their dependents, in extension to my own. I'll just mention the two toughest of each lineage.

Of Misery's dependents, the lieutenants are 'Kahn', a young man of moderate build with a metal visor covering his eyes, long horns that point to the back of his head and short dark green hair, and 'Georg', a middle-aged man of moderate build as well and two long dark green horns and pale green hair.

Of Rain's dependents, the lieutenants are 'Misora', a beautiful young woman with long blue hair and a pair of black crooked horns, and 'Squall', a tall demon with dark blue skin, arm wraps, brown hair and short blue horns. He is the most intimidating of the lieutenants.

Of my own dependents, the lieutenants are 'Alban', a young man with red horns curved to the sides and maroon coloured hair, and 'Ulrich', a middle-aged man with red hair and black horns curved backwards above his head.

I am content with the line-up as they are quite formidable in both combat and some day-to-day tasks. I think about them whilst I lay back on my throne, Rain at my left and Misery to my right.

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