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"Blake, I've missed you!" Trevor says, engulfing me into a hug.

"Alright, can't breathe buddy." I smile as he pulls away. "Let's get going, yeah?"

"Can I not talk to my sister now or what?" He confusingly asks.

"Of course you can idiot, I'm just tired." I dryly chuckle.

"Well, let's make it to the car then shall we?" He says taking my luggage and putting it in his car. I open the door and take a seat while Trevor works his way around the car to get in.

"I've missed you Trevvy." I pinch his cheek causing us to burst out laughing.

"Didn't you just complain to me that you're tired?" He asks pulling out from the airport. "Also, if you're interested there's a party tonight but you'll ruin your surprise for Jack. You'd see him a day early." He adds.

"You know I can't turn down a party, so yes I'll go. Just invite him over to your apartment. I just want to get a little shut eye beforehand." I tell the boy as I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Will do. We have like an hour till we get to my place, try to get some rest. I missed you too." He says taking a pinch at my cheek back causing me to smile.

I did as told and before I knew it, I was passed out.

˚₊‧ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

"Where's she at?" I hear a distorted voice then open my eyes to see I was in a bedroom. Trev must've brought me up here.

"She's trying to sleep man, relax." That would be Trevor. I swing myself out of bed and look to see all of my stuff was placed out. God, I love my brother. He knows how exhausted I get with putting things away.

The only thing he left was my suitcases of clothes which is understandable. I look around to find my slippers on the ground and slipped them on. I head to the door, opening it to see Trev and Jack in the living room.

"If it isn't my favorite Hughes brother." I interrupted the two. Jack's face immediately lightened up as he came running to me, picking me up into a bear hug.

"God, I've missed you!" He says, putting me back down to the ground. "You've gotten shorter haven't you?" He insults causing me to laugh.

"No dipshit, you got taller. I've missed you too Rowdy." I smile seeing a red tint go over the boys cheeks as I called him his nickname.

"Alright you flirtatious devils, stop it." Trevor internally gagged. "What do we want for lunch?"

"Pizza?" I suggest ignoring Trevor's comment.

"I say yes to pizza." Jack agrees.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll order it. Jack your paying." Trevor says pulling out his phone.

"Wait, why me? I paid last time?" He laughs pulling out his wallet but I stop him.

"I got it boys, don't you try to stop me either. My treat." I smile handing Trev the money.

"Seriously." Jack rolls his eyes and Trevor takes the money without a word. I mean he has paid for all of my stuff the past couple of years, I've got to make it up to him somehow.

"Cry." I say and he laughs as Trevor orders. I then take a seat with Jack on the couch. "So how's hockey going for you?" I ask.

"It's going good. A little rough but I'll get through it." He tells me with sadness lacing his voice as he plays with his hands. I put my hand on top of his and he looks up at me.

"You can talk to me, J. I know enough about hockey so you can tell me if something's getting to you." I tell him, rubbing my fingers on the back of his hand.

"I know, it's just I feel like they all think I'm not good enough for the games sometimes. With me getting injured before and being out a lot of them, it sucks." He expresses.

"Let me tell you one thing, you are good enough. I'm constantly watching your games. You do so good compared to a lot of people. You're going places, I just know it. You just can't see that yet. Yeah, you got injured, missed a few games, but all you can do is come back better which you have. If people have shit to say, fuck them. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you playing the game that you love." I say now holding his hand but before I say anything else he pulls me into a hug.

"Blake, I wouldn't know what to do without you honestly. You always have the right words to say." He says pulling away.

"I'll always be here Jack. Don't you ever forget that. I'll always be your support person no matter what." I smile.

This wasn't the first time I've talked to Jack about stuff like this. It seems to just keep getting harder but it has to for it to get better. Hockey is tough, I've seen my brother go through it all, but I can't imagine how Jack has it.

"Thank you B. I'll always be here for you too." He smiles in return.

"Hey! Pizza is gonna be here in like 10." Trevor interrupts as always.

"Man, I sure am hungry. I didn't eat anything on that flight here." I tell them. "I might just eat the whole pizza." I add.

"Not if I eat it all first." Trevor says causing the three of us to laugh.

These boys always knew how to make me laugh and I mean a real laugh. It's like nothing else mattered except the three of us.

˚₊‧ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

A/n 🫂:

ahh jack plays tonight, i'm so pumped. can't wait to see him on the ice with lukey again.

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