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renee 🤍:
so when were you going to tell me about you and jack?

girl, i swear i was going to. jack got a really bad concussion from the hockey game and i haven't been on my phone since. nothing is official yet tho. we haven't had that talk yet.

renee 🤍:
girl, i'm messing with you! i seen about jack, i hope he's alright! you should definitely talk to him about it. tell him how you actually feel b. don't hold it in like you do.

i know, i just feel like it's so hard to explain my feelings. he's doing okay though, im babysitting him 😂

renee 🤍:
i'm your best friend b, i know how hard it is for you. i also know that when you hold stuff in, it hurts you a lot and i hate seeing that. but babysitting sounds great 😂 for you.

definitely is. i'll try my best to not hold it in. i'll keep you updated. i'll be back in seattle soon. i still have a lot to tell you.

renee 🤍:
well i'll be here waiting gf, i love you.

i love you too.

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trev 🏒:
did you love birds finally make it official yet?

man, no. you know how i am with talking about my feelings.

trev 🏒:
you need to man up. he's the one blake. this is the guy for you. don't hide it.

i'm really trying here trev, i need time. he's been through enough right now. i can't put this on top of it. it needs to wait.

trev 🏒:
just don't wait forever b. i want what's best for you. whatever you decide, i'll stick with it. even though jack is my best friend and all.

yes yes i know. i'm probably going to stay another day. idk when im going back to seattle. i'll stop over and get some more stuff. btw you gave me a shirt with holes in it 😐

trev 🏒:
oops, maybe don't pack shirt with holes? and sounds good to me i'll see you later. love ya.

love ya back

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"Thank you for lunch J." I say as we walk into his apartment.

"No problem, I'm just glad we finally got to actually go out together." He says placing his wallet and keys down on the counter. A blush crept across my face.

"Agreed. How's your head feeling?" I ask.

"Hurts a little but not as bad as last night."

"That's good. I'm going to go change real quick. I'm going to stop over at Trev's to pick up some more stuff if you'd like me to stay longer?" I suggest, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yes, I enjoy your company. Do you want me to come with you?" He asks taking a seat.

"I'm glad, and I should be good. I'll be quick. I think he's out and about anyway." I tell him and he nods. "Try to rest while I'm gone. I'll be back." I smile, heading to throw a pair of joggers on.

"See you later, be safe." He says and I give him a thumbs up as I walk out the door, to my car.

As I'm driving, I begin to think on what I could even express to Jack. What if it's just too much for him? What if he doesn't feel the same way back? I know how I feel, I just don't know how he'll react even though we literally kissed. What more can I say?

Before I know it I'm at Trevor's apartment. I exit my car and head to the guest room where I stay. I grab my little suitcase and pack some of my stuff for Jack's and then I'm back out to my car, heading back to his place.

When I arrive, I walk in quietly, putting my things down. I look around to see no Jack, but when I get to his room he's asleep in his bed. I hope that little date didn't make his head worse by being out.

I decide while he's sleeping, I'll clean up around the place. Give him a break from cleaning which I know he'd absolutely love. I started at the kitchen, then the living room. It wasn't a total disaster but it was a little dusty. I also cleaned when I am having anxiety about something, it usually takes the edge off of it.

When cleaning the living room I came across a picture of me, him and Trevor and Luke. It was the first game they all versed each other. We were all so happy. I could remember screaming my head off when Luke and Jack scored the first two goals. I screamed even more when my brother scored one too. I sometimes wished they were all on the same team. That would be an amazing trio.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday." I heard from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Jesus Jack, you scared me." I put my hand on my chest. "And yeah, it was definitely a memorable day." I smile remembering it.

"Luke and I could hear you screaming when we scored." He chuckles. "I remember when the game was over you came running to me first. Trevor's face was priceless, he couldn't believe you gave me a hug first."

"He wouldn't talk to me for like 2 hours because of that." I laugh.

"I remember. He kept talking as if you weren't there just to get a rise out of you. It worked, that's for sure." The two of us couldn't stop laughing. I missed it, I really did.

After our little laughing fit, Jack decided to lay down again but I joined him this time. We laid there in a comfortable silence as he tried to find something for us to watch on his tv.

When he did, I felt his arm go around me, causing the same feeling that happened before go into my stomach. I snuggle up into him, placing my head on his chest. I put my free hand on his stomach and watched the movie he put on. I want this moment to last forever. I don't ever want to leave.

Maybe I'll talk to him later about my feelings towards him, but right now I want to soak up this moment incase we don't get it again.

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A/n 🫂:

double update !!!

sadly the devils lost tonight. but that's okay they have other games! have a good night lovely's!!

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