Working Together

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(Transformers Cybertron and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are not mine. I love that song.
-comm speech-

Lori, "Before we release you all to the rest of the planet. You need to know about the rules of this planet."

Bud, "We will start with the rules and laws of the road, okay?"

Greenlight a femme groaned, "Really? More rules?"

Blackrav, "Right?"

Jolt, "Come on guys!"

Coby, "No complaints please. It would be quite an embarrassment if you got caught because you do not know the rules."

Lori, "And you are supposed to be robots in disguise too."

Jetfire, "Looks like we were worried for no reason."

Optimus chuckled, "Indeed, the young children are smart. Also, I get the feeling Landmine would not let them falter."

Jetfire looked at the Mech, "Oh! He is taken. Completely gone."

Optimus, "It has been a long time since Cybertron had sparklings. So, I would not be surprised if the other Cybertronians latch on to the young ones here."

Jetfire, "Ah! That is a good point."

Optimus, "I am off to check on the rest of the team. Vector Prime is checking out a museum nearby."

Jetfire nodded, "Alright Prime, I will keep an eye on the base. Landmine can handle things here."

Optimus left transforming into his fire truck with the voices of the children following him outside. Optimus would not say it out loud but he truly adored sparklings and the children reminded him of them. Personally Optimus was very happy the children trusted them to the point they put their guards down and recharged. Landmine had looked so smitten as he held the human sparklings close while they slept the exhaustion off. They had been worried about the children when they had suddenly fallen asleep but Coby had calmed them down and explained. Since they were not sixteen yet, their magical cores were still young and using magic spells over and over had tired them out.

That had started another row of questioning and the kids had spent the rest of the evening explaining the history of Witches and Warlocks. To say they were not happy to learn about the witch hunts and how the Wiccans were treated. Many of the Bots made a quiet decision to keep the children safe from those who would be foolish enough to hurt them. No foolish and arrogant human or Decepticon was hurting them, not while the children were under their watch. Optimus looked around town and saw Hotshot was racing around an empty race track which made Optimus chuckle, his scout loved racing at high speed.

Hotshot transformed, "Optimus sir!"

Optimus, "Easy there Hotshot. We need to be careful. Which means no transforming and saluting."

Hotshot, "Right! Good point. Has Red Alert returned to Cybertron?"

Optimus, "Yes, he is preparing the graviton net cluster to try and contain the black hole."

Hotshot, "I see. Will it work?"

Optimus, "We will find out tonight."

Hotshot, "I really do not want to lose our home planet."

Optimus, "None of us do. Till we find the Cyber Planet keys, we should try everything."

Hotshot, "Agreed!"

Optimus, "I am going to check on others. Please be more aware of your surroundings and always stay in contact. With the Decepticons around you never know."

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