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The sound of raised voices had been echoing through the house for the last 15 minutes and as Taylor sat at the kitchen table trying to ignore what ever had her father and Travis so worked up Ana dropped down into the seat beside her and gently began braiding her hair

"They're worried about you Tay" she said warmly

"I know they are"

"Then why the sad eyes?"

"A lot of things. Rafe just messaged me, apparently daddy has invited him and his dad to dinner this evening"   securing the braid, Ana sat back and looked intently at Taylor

"Well if you and Rafe are dating I think it only makes sense that your father would want to meet him and get to know him better"

"But we aren't dating"

"It sure seemed that way the other day"

Taylors gaze dropped to the table where she began drawing shapes on the wooden surface with her finger.

"Unless that was for someone else's benefit" Taylors head snapped up as she eyed Ana with worried orbs

"What does that mean?"

"Like maybe you were trying to get the attention of a certain tall, handsome bodyguard?"

Taylor shook her head and returned her gaze to the table

"I don't blame you, he's a beautiful man, great body too" Taylor couldn't stop the smile that was pulling at her lips as she let her mind drift to Travis and his 'great body'  "Does he know that you like him?"

"Yes" she said through a smile as she sucked on her bottom lip, scared but excited to finally share what was happening between her and Travis with someone else.

Taylor trusted Ana, she had been with her almost her entire life, she was the one she spoke to about her mom, asking her questions and listening to her stories of the silly things she and Alexis Swift had gotten up to, so it made sense that if she was to share the truth of her relationship with her bodyguard that it would be Ana she chose to confide in.

"Mana, does he have feelings for you?" Ana leaned in close, covering Taylors hand with her own and giggling like a schoolgirl.

Taylor couldn't stop herself from grinning as she nodded wildly

"God Ana, he's so hot and he's sweet and he's kind"

"Are you sleeping with him??"

"Well we haven't gone all the way yet but we have done an array of other things and you wouldn't believe the things he's capable of doing to the female body"

"Oh my God Taylor!!" Ana pulled her into a tight embrace "But wait he's older right?"

"Six years" Taylor confirmed

"Who cares right??? he's hot, you're hot, after everything you've been through you deserves some fun" the younger girl paused a second and then returned to drawing patterns on the table "It is just fun isn't it Taylor?"

"Sure, it's a lot of fun" she answered, aware that she had avoided answering the real question


Travis watched as Rafe sat comfortably at the dinner table in the Swift dining room with one arm slung over Taylors shoulder whilst the other hung lazily by his side.

Travis wondered if the young Englishman realised he could be up from his seat and have the arm that was touching Taylor dislocated in less time than it would take him to sneeze.

He wasn't invited to dinner but he had made the excuse of keeping an eye on Taylor due to his suspicions of the balcony blood scene being staged and now he was beginning to regret it.

Taylor seemed at ease under Rafe's touch and that had Travis' mind asking all kinds of questions about where else the blonds hands had touched.

Travis Kelce was a lot if things, jealous and possessive of things he cared about were two of those things.

Alejandro and Rafe's father Micheal Seevers were comfortable together, chatting and laughing like old friends and Travis knew that no matter how his relationship with Taylor progressed he and his father would never be invited to dinner like this, he would never be welcomed into this house as anything more than an employee and even that tenure was coming to an end, a fact he was yet to discuss with Taylor even though he knew without doubt that he should.

Rafe suddenly seemed to be emboldened as he tangled his fingers in Taylors hair and lowered his lips to her ear whispering something that made her pause and then her cheeks to turn red as she glanced over to Travis and then down to the table.

Travis gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the scene before him, watching, unable to do anything whilst some teenage bozo made moves on his girl.

She wasn't his girlfriend at the moment, they had never discussed the change in title but that's the direction it was heading in and he wasn't willing to let things be driven off course by anyone, especially not the spoilt little blond boy in front of him.

His blood began to run hot in his veins as Rafe became bolder and bolder.

His fingers in her hair soon began playing with the thin strap of her dress as the whispered words in her ear became whispered into the crook of her neck. Each move, each touch causing a violent chemical reaction and making Travis more and more eager to cause some damage to the boy now nuzzling Taylors neck

"Taylor!" Travis barked, standing from his seat, his voice so strong and commanding that she immediately sprang to her feet "Can I speak to you please?"

"Of course" she didn't even make her excuses to the men at the table she simply followed Travis into a quiet corner of the kitchen and gazed up at him, waiting for him to speak, when he finally did it was the last thing she had expected him to say.

"I want you" he growled, digging his fingers into her hips and pulling her centre to his, letting his eyelids drop closed as he let out an animalistic groan

"What happened to waiting?"

"Seeing that dickhead with their with his hands all over what's mine pushed me over the edge. One condition"


"I'm in charge, I make the rules, if you are uncomfortable you say stop and it stops immediately no going back. Okay?"

"I think that's more than one condition " She grinned whilst palming him over his jeans and heading out of the kitchen

"Taylor" she turned back around, still grinning "If blondy continues to eye fuck you like that don't be surprised if it's his eyeballs rolling around in a gift box next time" he winked but his face was serious and Taylor wasn't sure what to make of that.


Stepping out from the pantry as Travis exited the kitchen, Ana headed straight to the dining room. As she began clearing the plates she stopped beside Alejandro and discreetly whispered "My love, I have some troubling news. I must speak with you at once"

Alejandro nodded "We'll speak later" he informed her before returning to his conversation as Ana continued to clear the table, motioning to Travis and mouthing 'so jealous' as she passed by Taylor, causing the girl to blush and then look over her shoulder to the man that was glowering in her direction

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