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"Take off your clothes"

Taylor struggled to see through the darkness, her eyes narrowing and straining but still unable to see where the voice was coming from.

Pushing herself to her feet, her muscles and joints screamed with the movement. For what must have been two days and nights she had layen on the cold, concrete floor, sobs wracking her tiny body as she realised where she was and what was likely to happen to her.

Her mind had been haunted by her mother and brothers last moments.

How their bodies and stilled immediately in death, no sign of suffering on their earthly bodies but what of their souls?

What had they gone through being torn away from the earth and everyone they loved?

Had they been aware of it or was there nothing more than life and then eternal black?

Taylor found herself terrified at the prospect of finding out.

"Take. Off. Your. Clothes" the voice was closer this time and Taylor jumped in surprise at their proximity before her fingers which were now numb with the cold , lifted her grey t-shirt over her head and threw it in the direction of the voice. Her fingers struggled to loosen the button and the zip of her shorts but finally she managed to kick them off so she stood there in just her black bra and panties and was thankful for the darkness.

Just as she thought it the man in front of her switched on the flashlight on his phone and she quickly moved to cover herself with her arms.

"Underwear as well"

"Absolutely not!" Taylor gasped in horror

"Do not argue with me!" Barked the man through his thick accent as he stepped closer, the light now shining bright in to Taylors eyes and burning them since they were by now used to only darkness.

Lifting her chin, Taylor looked the man straight in the face as her hands shook and her chin began to quiver, feeling tears begin to sting her eyes she fought with everything she had not to cry.

Kicking off her panties she felt the sudden draft on her bare skin before unhooking her bra and throwing it at the man in a mix of fury and embarrassment, standing before him completely naked but refusing to show her fear and refusing to cover herself up, her final act of defiance, or so she thought

"Put this on" the man threw her a black sweat shirt and black track pants which she grabbed for greedily, sliding them onto her body as a sob of relief bubbled up through her throat. "Now hold out your hand"


"Do as I ask and stop asking questions" holding out her hand Taylor couldn't hide her fear any longer as she struggled to keep it still as it trembled in the air. The glint of the knife shocked her but she was unable to react before the metal sliced across her skin.


Stopping at the front door of the Swift compound, Travis leaned against the door and fought to control his breathing, a ten mile run each morning was how he started his day, it was the only thing that kept his mind in check and stopped it from spiralling.

4 days Taylor had been missing, 4 days they had her, 4 days to do God knows what to her.

He screwed his eyes shut and tried to focus on what he knew and what he could change instead of panicking over things he couldn't control.

Stretching his legs he pulled the hair band from his hair and pushed up his hood to cover his damp curls. Pushing open the door he stepped inside and was once again aware of how silent the place was without Taylor.

A brown package lay on the table the name scrawled across made his blood run like ice water through his veins.

Picking it up, he turned it over and carefully removed the tape, allowing the brown paper to fall open and reveal a pile of clothes.

Travis' heart began to pound wildly in his chest as he carefully picked up the items.

The grey t-shirt and denim shorts, he knew Taylor had been wearing this outfit the day she had been taken, he had watched her walking through the park and had admired her toned legs and the sliver of stomach the t-shirt revealed.

As he held out the shorts a pair of black panties fell to the ground and as he reached down to pick them up he smelt the dried blood before his fingers made contact with it.

Dropping the bundle to the ground, Travis fell to his knees. His fingers clutching the blood soaked item whilst he eyed the black lace bra that was tangled in the t-shirt.

"No" he gasped "No, no, NOOO!"

A yellow post it note lay at the bottom of the brown paper and he reached out and picked it up his eyes scanning it far faster than his brain comprehended it.

'Mr. Kelce...'

That meant the people that took her had taken her to punish him not Alejandro.

This wasn't about what happened to Taylors mother and brother in Mexico, this is what happened to him in Potugal which meant things just got very fuckin real, very fuckin quickly because these people didn't care how much it hurt, they just loved the look, sound and taste of pain.

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