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Aiming his gun at the lock, Travis fired once and as the lock exploded he kicked the door open and flung the body of the lifeless man in before him.

Stepping over the heavily bleeding figure he raised his gun and pointed it at the two security guards before him and then placed a finger to his lips, the two men nodded in understanding and then stepped to one side to let Travis pass. Moving through the down stairs of the house Travis lead with his gun held tightly in both hands, moving through the open spaces he now knew so well.

Alejandro Swift was sat at the head of the dining table surrounded by men in suits, the air was thick with cigar smoke and the smell of tequila.

Ana sat to one side, watching the men laugh and talk loudly and Travis noticed that instead of the maids uniform she once wore, she now wore a beautiful red dress, her makeup was done and her hair styled like a super model.

Taking a breath, Travis steadied himself before stepping into the room and pointing the gun directly at Alejandro.

"Everyone out, except you!!" Shouted Travis

"You!" Exclaimed Ana as she pointed and stood to her feet

"If you want your boyfriend killed keep talking Ana. Guys!" Travis shouted to the two security guards that had followed him from the front door. "I want every single one of these fuckers locked in the basement until I tell you to open it. Her included"

"No problem boss" came the gruff reply as it slowly began dawning on Alejandro why Travis had been so keen to sack the entire security team and take control of replacing them himself.

One by one the men were lead from the dining room, Travis' gun and gaze never once moving from Alejandro

"What the fuck is this about?!"

Travis waited until Ana had left the room before slipping into a seat at the end of the table and never moving his weapon.

"If you are wondering about the new bodyguard he's busy bleeding all over your hallway floor"

"And Taylor?! What have you done with her you bastard, what have you done with my daughter?!" Alejandro went to move but Travis raised the gun slightly and the threat was enough to cause the man to remain in his seat

" Do you remember what I told you when you fired me? That you were going to get her killed well congratu-fuckin-lations because that is probably just what you have just done"

"What are you talking about?"

"That dumbshit was sleeping on a park bench and they took her. Two men, both Latino by appearance, black Mercedes, I got a partial plate. I told you didn't I..." Alejandro dropped his head to his hands as Travis stood up quickly and kicked the chair across the room " I fuckin told you this would happen!" He was at the end of the table, Alejandros shirt twisted in his grip, their noses almost touching "If anything happens to her then you are a dead man. I will carve you into pieces myself"

"What do we do? I'll do anything just get me my daughter back, please, please help me"

"If they haven't killed her already"

"Please God, not again..." Alejandro Swift dropped his head to the table and prayed over and over for his daughters safe return whilst Travis pulled out his phone and placed it at the man's head.

"You phone whoever you need to phone to put the message out that we will do or pay whatever it takes to get Taylor back unharmed BUT if she is hurt in any way we will not stop until every single culprit is dead. Tell them this warning is from Travis Kelce and tell them the clock is ticking. They have 12 hours to clear their name or I'm coming for each and every one of them


Sitting on the cold basement floor, Taylor hugged her arms around her body and tried to remain calm.

This wasn't where she had been brought with her mother and Austin, the men weren't the same, their English was rough and their eyes dirty

The way they looked at her was scary, like she was food and they were dying to eat but they hadn't attempted to touch her, instead they had thrown her onto the basement floor and left her there alone, she hasn't seen of heard anyone in the hours that had passed not even the sound of footsteps.

Looking down at her denim shorts and thin grey t-shirt, she began to fear the night that would come, the floor was hard and damp, her clothes not enough to protect her from the night time cold.

Last time she was this alone and this afraid she had her mom, but this time she was completely alone.

She thought of Travis, out there somewhere, unaware that she has been taken and she couldn't help but wonder if he would care if he knew.

Would he come and rescue her or would he barely remember her name?

Pulling her knees to her chest she began to hum.

'Twinkle twinkle little star...'

And she began to pray and silently beg to keep her life.

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