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Walking through the sweet smelling orange grove Taylor lowered the sunglasses she had been given on arrival.

Although her vision was slowly returning to normal, the days spent in the darkness of the basement had taken their toll and the bright sunlight was causing her eyes to sting and to water.

"Why are we here?" She asked, following the tall man with a bald head that was shining beneath the sun but as with every other time she had spoken to him he remained silent.

Taylor wasn't exactly sure where she was, but she knew she was no longer in America. The windows of the car that had brought her from the airport had been so dark she was unable to see through the glass and the flight was something she couldn't remember because as soon as they had arrived at the airport in Miami and she realised they were taking her to International Departures she had suffered a panic attack like no other she had ever experienced, she had been taken to a bathroom, drugged and when she awoke she was in the back seat of a car surrounded by men she didn't recognise and in a country that wasn't home.

Moving along the rows and rows of green bushes that held the orange fruit, Taylor realised they were approaching a house, a beautiful white villa that lay behind a large swimming pool, there was a black table covered in meat, cheese, bread, olives, grapes and the scent of freshly made coffee wafted by her as soon as she was close enough to smell it

"Senta aí" The man suddenly announced, pointing at the chair and Taylor felt unable to do anything other than comply.

For 10 minutes, maybe more, she sat gazing around her surroundings, unsure where she was or why she had been brought here.

Her mind briefly wandered to Travis as she worried about where he was now.

The kidnappers had wanted Travis in exchange for her, to work for them so all she could think was that the beating was in revenge, for what she dared not consider but it gave her a small amount of comfort to know that they would keep him alive, he may be battered and bruised and he may be lost to Taylor but she was certain he was alive and that really was all that mattered.

"O chefe vai te ver agora" said a smaller man with shiny black curls appearing from inside briefly and then disappearing once more in a move that reminded Taylor of a meerkat.

Taylors heart began to thump as she considered who the boss might be and what he might want with her just as a tall figure stepped out of the building, Taylor noticed he walked with a limp and wore beautiful, black designer shoes and immaculately pressed black pants, his wine coloured shirt was tucked in to his pants and covered with a black vest.

As her gaze rose up his throat to his jawline her heart stuttered to a stop in her chest.

It couldn't be...

But that jawline couldn't belong to anyone else

She tried to stand up but her legs felt like jelly so she remained seated.

Her eyes lifting and taking in the bruises that splattered his jawline and cheeks, his lips were swollen and cut and there was a gash on the bridge of his nose, just below where the black designer shades sat but the was no doubt who it was, no doubt that this was real

"Travis!" She gasped and his hand shot out to shake hers, his knuckles shredded but clean

"Travis Michael Kelce" She placed her shaky hand in his and he lifted it to his wounded but still beautiful lips "Your third and final kidnapper Senhorita"

*a short one but not the last one!! Maybe one more then an epilogue... let me know what you think

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