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Stepping into Travis' bedroom, Taylor was surprised to find it completely dark except for a few candles that he had lit.

She looked around the room anxiously, her heart hammering hard in her chest as bird sized butterflies took flight in her gut.

"Strip for me"

The voice seemed to come out of the darkness but as she took a step closer she saw Travis stood by the bed wearing only a pair of tight white Calvin Klein boxers.

Obediently she pulled her pink and white night shirt over her head and stood confidently in front of him wearing a matching neon orange and black lacy bra and panties set.

"Mmmm" Travis bit down on his bottom lip hard "Nice"

Taylor couldn't help but grin as desire flooded his eyes and made his cheeks turn pink. She loved that she had that effect of this giant of a man, an ex-soldier, and ex-cop.

" Up on the bed, chest down, ass in the air" Taylor smirked as she made her way to the bed, taking the position he had instructed her to take and making sure to give her ass a good wiggle before becoming still and waiting. "I'm going to spank you now Taylor and do you know why?"

"Tell me" she encouraged, her voice low and sultry

"Because I don't appreciate you allowing little boys to paw you right in front of my face, you can't let me spend hours going down on you and then let some one like that put their hands and mouth on you. Got it?"

"Got it"

Travis climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself on his knees behind her

"Tell me you're sorry" his hands started kneading the generous flesh of her ass as he awaited her apology. His eyes flaring with want at the feel of her hot skin in his strong hands

"I'm so sorry"

"Tell me why"

"For letting Rafe put his hands on me when I'm yours" the sting as Travis' hand came down firmly on her ass caused Taylor to gasp out

"Good girl" he drawled as he replaced his palm with his lips, pressing wet kisses and small bites onto the skin that was now turning red "Tell me who can touch this ass"

"You. Only you"

"Only you, what?" Taylor paused, unsure what he wanted her to call him, Travis? Daddy? Master?

"Only you sir" it was the only word that slipped out naturally and as it did his palm once again made contact with her ass and this time she moaned at the burn and awaited the soothing and sure enough before long his lips and hands were back on her skin, kissing and kneading and making her feel a wetness between her legs in anticipation of what was to come.

Wrapping his fingers in the thin, lace of her panties, Travis was just about to pull them down when he heard a commotion down stairs.

Pulling them back up he spun to sit on the edge of the bed, Alejandro Swifts voice could be heard and Travis made out part of the sentence, the rest of which was muffled.

"Fuck!" He jumped up from the bed and pulled on his track bottoms, his sneakers then a t-shirt "get into the bathroom and lock the door" he began rummaging in his dresser for his gun

"What's going on?" Taylors eyes were like a rabbit caught in the headlights as she reached for her clothes

"He knows. Get in the bathroom and no matter what happens do not come out" he reached out, taking her face in his hands and kissed her until the were both gasping for air "I'm so sorry Taylor" he said it whilst reaching for the door, the commotion getting louder with every second.

As Travis' hand turned the handle, Alejandro lurched forward and grabbed him by the t-shirt

"Asshole!" He bellowed whilst throwing Travis into the wall and then regaining his grip "I'm going to kill you" he lifted his knee catching Travis in the stomach and causing him to gasp for air.

Reaching down Alejandro grabbed the younger man by the hair and pulled his face close to his own. " My daughter is gold and you are nothing more than dog shit, what made you think you had the right to even look at her let alone touch her?" Alejandros forehead shot forward and crashed into Travis' as sparks of white light filled his vision. He felt warmth trickle down his skin and knew he was bleeding, he also knew he could easily take the older man but he was angry, he needed to vent his frustration and at that moment Travis was more than happy to let him vent it at him, as long as Taylor was safe


His fist landed square on Travis' jaw

"Come on Mr. Big shot Bodyguard, Mr. Soldier Boy, hit me, do something tough guy!"

"I don't want to fight you"

"Why the fuck not? Look at the mess I have made of your pretty face"

"Because I don't want to hurt you" replied Travis, his eyes cold, his face tense, his fists screwing into balls as he fought to keep control on his temper.

If he chose to, he could have Alejandro Swift unconscious in seconds but that was Taylors dad and he didn't want to do anything more to upset her.

"Well you'd better start fighting boy because I'm not stopping until you are dead"

Alejandro reached for Travis once more and heaved him to his feet but his time Travis was prepared to protect his life. He used his foot to swipe the man's legs from under him and as he fell hard to the ground Travis ploughed his fist into his face, rendering him unconscious immediately.

Standing back up Travis wiped at the blood tricking down his forehead and turned to head back into his room to make sure Taylor was ok but as he turned he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun and it was Ana that held it in her hands

"One move and I shoot"

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