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Taylor sat in the back seat of the black Mercedes SUV under a red and navy blue plaid blanket.


As she had been for the years that followed her mother and brothers passing that is until Travis had swaggered into her life, all ego and attitude and looks to kill for

Travis Kelce...

The pain in her ass that took a chunk of her heart and now he was gone and she was here, alive but barely breathing without him


Always alone


Taylor had to hold back her scream as Travis was dragged into the basement beside her, his eyes wrapped in a silver sticky tape, whilst his hands were fastened behind his back with matt, black handcuffs and his feet were chained together, someone was obviously very anxious to ensure he was unable to escape and by the look of it, there was no chance of that happening any time soon

'Taylor?! Baby are you in here?' His voice sounded so soft, so gentle, so wrong in amongst the harshness of their surroundings but she barely had time to open her mouth to reply to him before one her captors punched him hard in the mouth.

'Travis!' She screamed, watching the top of his body twist in her direction and a smile pull his bleeding mouth upwards

Oh how she had missed that smile

'It's going to be okay, no matter what happens you won't be hurt. I have made sure of it' this time the mans fist collided hard with Travis' stomach and he grunted in pain

'Travis please!!! Please don't hurt him. I will do anything you want just don't hurt him!'

'hurt him? I'm going to kill him'

'Travis no!!'

'Don't worry about me Taylor, no matter what happens to me, you will be in your own bed tonight. Fuck heads!! This entire building is surrounded by my guys, if the girl does not walk out of here into her fathers arms when I say she will there will be nothing left of you but the cheap jewellery you wear like it's the Crown Jewels. You take her upstairs now, or you will learn what pain really feels like'

The mans foot kicked hard into Travis' back but he barely flinched, a fist colliding with his chin shortly after but once again he stood his ground.

'You have 5 minutes, starting now, I'm going nowhere, you have me, do what you want with me but the girl goes free'


Pulling the blanket up to her chin, Taylor couldn't help the way her entire body shook with sobs.

Her father hadn't been waiting for her when she was released. When she finally felt the fresh air on her face, the warm sun on her body she had been stood in her filthy, sweat soaked clothes all on her own in front of the large SUV.

Her father was waiting for her at home. Making sure her room was as she liked it and she had a bath run and a meal made. Meaning he was sat anxiously in the dining room whilst the staff ran in circles around him

Pulling her knees to her chest she allowed the loneliness and hopelessness of the her days in captivity to envelope her and once they meshed with her final memories of Travis she was sure there was no way she would ever be okay again


'Take her above ground' a voice commanded as Travis lay helpless on the basement floor.

Her unnamed captor had it in for him and had refused to stop the beating until the tall man was on his knees before him.

For his part Travis said nothing, didn't beg, didn't pray, he just took beating after beating, looking up every now and then to promise Taylor that it was okay, he was okay and she would soon be safe.

When the beating finally stopped and the attention turned to her, strong arms wrapped around her throat and pulled her backwards but she didn't have the energy to object, every ounce of strength had been used up in her fight for Travis.

Screaming his name, begging for him to be left alone.

As her ass was dragged over the basement floor, every movement  taking her futher from the man she loved, all she could do was swallow down the terror that was huddling in her chest.

What would they do to him ?

Where would they take him?

What would it take for them to stop?


Approaching the turn off to her house, Taylor couldn't help the anxiety that began to cramp in her guts.

She hadn't seen her father since she had been taken, didn't know how he had reacted to it, if at all.

She knew Ana would be sat, glued to his side as she had become more and more regularly since Travis had left...taking what little part of her mother's memory remained.

The tears fell hard once more as she thought to how her mother wouldn't be waiting for her when she returned, Austin wouldn't be running around demanding her attention, Travis wouldn't be there, leaning against something and silently watching her...

Protecting her.

He was gone...

Just like her mom, just like Austin, just like almost every other person she had ever cared about


And she was once again all alone.

Taylor was so lost in her grief that she didn't notice the car drive past the turnoff to her house, she didn't realise how two cars pulled out and began following her SUV but all of a sudden she did recognise the item lying on the front passenger side of the car.

Her passport !

Her head snapped up and then from left to right as she watched the car move through her neighbourhood and then on to the next

"Where are you taking me?!" She asked frantically, releasing her seatbelt and rattling the door handles only to find they had all been locked. "I want to go home! Take me home right now!" She screamed but the driver continued along the road, ignoring the fact she was speaking.

Rattling the handle once more Taylor let out a scream of frustration and then threw herself back against the seat, her entire body beyond exhausted, her mind beyond broken

"I just want to go home" she whispered as her head fell forward and she once again began to sob "I just want to go home"

* only a few more chapters until the end

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