Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire

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"I don't understand why we're here," Carmilla grumbles.

"Oh, stop your griping, Grumpy Pants," Laura snaps, grabbing her hand. "What's wrong with celebrating the start of a new semester?"

Carmilla scoffs. "Uhm, because we still don't know what's going on with Lophiiformes and the tremors?" She squeezes Laura's hand. "I feel like we're jinxing it or spitting in its face by celebrating."

Laura giggles and kisses Carmilla's cheek. "Look, Danny and Kirsch said they haven't felt a tremor in weeks. Besides, aren't I supposed to be the worrywart in this relationship?"

Carmilla sighs but doesn't say anything further.

LaFontaine and Perry push through the crowd.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it," Perry says, pulling Laura in for a hug. She gives Carmilla a small smile. "You came last year too, right, Laura?"

Laura nods. "I came here with Betty."

"We can actually enjoy the fireworks this year," LaF notes. "Since this year the floor dons aren't in charge of them."

Carmilla quirks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, there's a new club on campus for pyrotechnics," Perry says with a shrug. "The floor dons aren't entirely happy about not having control over them, especially since––"

LaF elbows her lightly.

"––But I am happy to be able to just watch and enjoy the fireworks," Perry quickly amends.

"Well, either way, we're looking forward to them, and to starting off this semester," Laura says with a bounce. Carmilla makes a gagging noise and Laura shoots her a look.

Perry laughs nervously and gives LaF a small glance. They smirk at her. "Do you want to go keep an eye on the pyrotechnics club, Per?"

Perry nods enthusiastically and seems relieved.

"See you guys later?"

Laura gives them a small wave as they leave.

Laura looks over to Carmilla. "Do you really not want to be here?"

Carmilla shrugs. "If you want to be here, then I don't care."

"That's not the enthusiastic response I was looking for," Laura says with a sigh.

Carmilla laughs dryly.

"Let's just go," Laura says, tugging Carmilla back towards their dorm.

"Aw, cupcake, c'mon, we don't have to," she says, pulling Laura to a stop. She spins Laura around and is afraid she'll have to contend with her bunched up face––or worse, her pout. Instead, Laura just looks mildly resigned.

"Carm, I don't want us to start off the semester with me dragging you to do things you don't want to do. If you don't want to be around all these young'uns, we can just go back to the room. I don't mind."

"And I don't want us to start off the semester with me dragging you away from doing things you do want to do," Carmilla says with a smile, kissing Laura softly on the lips.

Laura giggles and pulls away. "How about we compromise? I bet we can still see the fireworks from that hill, and we won't be near everyone."

Carmilla nods and they slowly make their way to a small hill. They sit down on a bench, still holding hands.

Laura leans her head on Carmilla's shoulder. A sudden thought seems to pop into her head and she pulls away. "You're not afraid of fireworks, are you?"

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