Nothing But the Tooth

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Laura tugs on the vampire's arm. "Carm, as my last will and testament--"

"--Laura, I swear I will beat you until your teeth fall out just so you'll shut up already."

The tinier girl flashes a grin.

"Gosh, Carm, I was going to leave you my yellow pillow. But, if you don't want it..."

"I want it," Carmilla says without hesitation, eliciting a giggle from her girlfriend.

LaFontaine, Perry, and Danny walk into the waiting room of the dentist's office.

"We wanted to pop by before class and see you before you become toothless," LaF teases.

Perry elbows them but gives Laura a reassuring look. "You're going to be fine, Laura."

"And we'll have cartons and tubs of ice cream ready for you at the dorm," Danny adds with a smile.

Laura giggles. "Thanks, guys."

LaF sits down next to Laura and holds up the flash drive with J.P. "How about some updates to take your mind off your impending doom?"

Laura rolls her eyes with a smile but nods.

"Now that the new dean has removed the Internet restrictions on campus, J.P. has more information to sift through. He's been going through it since the semester started a couple weeks ago, but from what he's been able to find, Carmilla's mother being thrown into the pit with lophiiformes created a Hellmouth."

"What's a Hellmouth?" Carmilla asks.

LaF's mouth drops open. "Geez, Karnstein, didn't you ever watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Carmilla narrows her eyes at her.

They hold up their hands in a 'don't shoot' manner. "It's basically this source of evil energy from Hell dimensions that causes weird things to happen in the region around it."

"That's why there are so much weird stuff happening at Silas?" Danny asks.

LaF nods. "I guess all the sacrifices to lophiiformes over the years meant just some weird stuff happening but now it's just going to get worse."

Laura's eyes widen. "Worse?"

Carmilla sighs. "The updates couldn't have been good news?"

Perry looks at her phone. "Well, now that we've panicked Laura and made Carmilla angry, we should probably get going. Don't want to be late for class."

Laura gives them all hugs, and Danny adds in an extra squeeze.

"Don't worry, L. I'll ask J.P. to look up how to close the Hellmouth." Laura gives LaF a thumbs-up.

The nurse calls Laura's name and the others give her one last wave before Carmilla gives her a peck on the cheek and Laura leaves them.

The nurse leads Laura out into the waiting room about half an hour later, and her face is extra puffy with gauze. Her eyes are slightly droopy from being under but it seems to be wearing off.

"How'd she do?" Carmilla asks the nurse.

"Fine," she replies with a smile. "We removed all the teeth with no problem."

Laura waves a small box in Carmilla's face.

Carmilla laughs. "I see it, sweetie."

The nurse also laughs. "Yeah, so she gets to keep the teeth. Will you be driving her home? She should be okay enough by now to walk, though."

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