A Whole New World

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Carmilla tries to sneak a peek at Laura's throat. Even though lophiiformes hadn't physically grabbed her in this plane, its grip had done some major damage, and she still slightly wheezed. It wasn't enough for humans to hear, but Carmilla caught it sometimes when Laura was concentrating on homework, or when she was asleep.

She'd asked Laura if her throat hurt, and she had said no, which Carmilla had figured would be the case–– it wasn't a 'crushed windpipe' kind of wheezing, it was like lophiiformes had sucked some life force from Laura and it affected her ability to breathe.

That thought initially filled Carmilla with anger, but it soon turned to a feeling of helplessness to the point where she had half a mind to wander into the pit and tell lophiiformes she wanted to accept its offer.

But she wouldn't.


Carmilla blinks hard and snaps herself from her thoughts. "Huh?"

"Did I lose you there for a second?" She giggles and gives the vampire a quick peck on the cheek. "I guess you do have like, three hundred plus years of thoughts to get lost in."

Carmilla gives her a half-smile. "Any thoughts worth getting lost in would be about you."

Laura laughs. "Okay, now I definitely know something's up. What's on your mind?"

Carmilla shakes her head. "Never mind."

Laura had also seemed more tired or drained in the past week, and Carmilla had been caught plenty of times staring at Laura, only for Laura to insist that she's fine. Carmilla stands up from the bed and stretches, leaving a skeptical Laura behind.

"If you keep pouting, your lip will get stuck that way, cutie," Carmilla remarks with a grin. "What were you talking to me about?"

Laura's pout slowly turns back into her natural smile. "I was asking if you wanted me to bring anything else to our picnic? I've got sandwiches, crackers, and grape soda."

Carmilla smirks. "What about cupcakes or cookies?"

"Oh, duh! How could I forget––"

Carmilla can't stop her eyes from widening. Laura? Laura, forgetting about packing dessert? Maybe lophiiformes did more damage than we thought––

Laura grins. "I'm just teasing you, Carm. I have a whole pack of each."


Laura grabs the basket from near the fridge and heads towards the door. "I also have bear spray. Just in case."

Carmilla smiles and goes to follow her. "I prefer Cheez Whiz spray myself."

Laura turns and rolls her eyes. "Ha. Ha."

It's a short walk to the hill Carmilla wants to have the picnic on. She's since taken the large basket from her tiny human, more out of chivalry than concern that Laura wouldn't be able to handle it.

There's a tree for some shade, and a small but deep lake nearby with some fish swimming in it. The sun is shining nicely, and there is a gentle breeze. Laura sets down a blanket and begins unpacking the food. She hands Carmilla a large black thermos with a wink.

The couple sits in silence, eating and enjoying the peace of merely being in each other's presence. Laura's on her second sandwich before she decides to speak. "Were you thinking of lophiiformes's offer?"

Carmilla bites into a cookie and chews slowly.

Laura waits a few seconds for a response but when it's clear it won't come, she continues. "You know you made the right decision, right? The decision to reject the offer?"

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