Bunch of Trolls

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Laura wakes up late the next day and rolls over to look at Carmilla's bed, which is empty. Footsteps come from the bathroom and the vampire walks out, yawning.

"Oh, you're up, creampuff." She stretches. "How are you feeling?"

Laura blinks groggily. "Kinda out of it?" Carmilla laughs and sits on Laura's bed. "Have you slept?"

"Not yet," she says, placing a hand on Laura's shoulder. "Had to make sure someone didn't try jumping out our third story window while high on painkillers."

Laura giggles. "Was I that bad?" Her eyes widen. "Wait, did I run across a highway yesterday?"

Carmilla nods. "Yes, you did. I mean, I knew you were stupidly fearless, but this was a whole new level, babe."

Laura blushes and looks sheepish.

"And then last night after you 'went to sleep,' you woke up and declared that you had actually turned into a cupcake and had to infiltrate an army of creampuffs."

Laura swatted her girlfriend. "I did not."

"You did. You asked me to lick off your frosting and fill you with cream so you could start your mission!" Carmilla chuckles. "And then later last night you woke up and started reciting some lines from Veronica Mars at me. Something about our love being epic and spanning years and continents and ruining lives and shedding blood."

Laura smacks herself in the forehead. "Oh my God, I thought that was a dream."

"As much a dream as you waking up right before the sunrise to tell me that the Doctor's TARDIS was parked outside and you had to go out to return his sonic screwdriver, cutie."

Laura laughs too hard, and she winces and her hand shoots up to her face. Carmilla clicks her tongue. "Careful, buttercup."

Laura nods and shimmies over so Carmilla can lie down next to her, which she does.

"How did you know what I was saying was from Veronica Mars?" Laura asks, leaning her head on Carmilla's shoulder but avoiding contact with her jaw and cheek.

She can actually feel Carmilla roll her eyes. "I may have been griping about watching shows with you for the past couple weeks, but that doesn't mean I haven't been paying attention."

Laura chuckles. "You think you're sneaky, Carm." Her voice suddenly sounds more tired. "You're a softie. You may have everyone fooled. Except for meeeeee..."

Carmilla laughs dryly and pats her girlfriend gently. "Go to sleep, Laura."

"Only if you do," Laura murmurs.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

"You're staring," Carmilla grumbles sleepily without opening her eyes. She is vaguely aware that she's snuggled up against the tiny girl's shoulder.

Laura giggles. "And you drool when you sleep."

Carmilla cracks open one eye to glare at her. "I do not."

"Do, too! You drooled all over my shirt."

Carmilla sits up to look and sure enough Laura's shoulder has a small drool spot. There's a vague look of shame as she stands up from the bed and walks to the fridge. "Sorry about that, hon."

Laura scoffs with a smile and waves her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it." She gets off the bed, slower than usual, and suddenly the room spins on her and she sits back on the bed.

Carmilla is at her side, holding her up. "Are you okay?"

Laura gives Carmilla a quick peck on the cheek. "Yeah. I think I've just been lying down for too long. Can we go for a walk?"

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