Hellmouth's Kitchen

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"Hey, Carm, do you remember those trolls we bumped into in the forest like, a month ago?"

Carmilla glances up from her book. "You mean the ones who broke my leg and two of your ribs?"


Carmilla's gaze returns to the page. "Nope." She smirks.

Laura rolls her eyes. "Well, anyway, apparently they finally found what they were looking for and the campus has cleared the area for travel."


Laura sighs and gets up from her chair and walks over to her vampire. "Don't 'Oh?' me, Carm. I know you've been oh-so-eagerly waiting for this to happen so we can finally go on the camping trip you planned out."

Carmilla bites her lip. "Honestly, I had completely forgotten all about that, cupcake."

Laura scoffs. "Oh, well, in that case, I guess I can keep all those plans to hang out with my friends..." She turns to walk back to her chair.

Carmilla chuckles and grabs Laura's arm and spins her back to face her. "Don't you dare."

Laura grins and kisses her on the cheek.

"Okay, maybe you should've kept those plans with your friends," Carmilla says, frowning.

"Don't be sil––" Laura cuts herself off and turns around to vomit. She wipes her mouth with a towel and turns back around and gives her girlfriend a halfhearted smile. "Don't be silly, I'm having a great time."

Carmilla groans and covers her face with her hands. "I can't believe I gave you food poisoning."

Laura laughs and leans her head on her vampire's shoulder. "It's fine. Just being alone with you out here is great."

Carmilla removes her hands and gives Laura a small kiss on the temple. She pulls back immediately. "You're hot."

Laura does some finger guns, imitating firing bullets at Carmilla. "Why, thank you," she says. "Took you long enough to figure that out."

Carmilla rolls her eyes and gives an exasperated sigh. "That's it, we're going back to the dorm." She reaches for Laura's hand, but the smaller girl pulls away and rolls off the air mattress. "You planned out this trip, Carm. We're not going anywhere just because of some undercooked meat."

The vampire briefly looks like she's about to cry but instead she just takes a breath. "I really thought I cooked it all the way."

Laura laughs, which seems to make Carmilla feel better, because a small smile makes its way to her face. "I'm pretty sure you did. You cooked for us plenty of times when we were fleeing from Silas during the winter, and no one got sick." She shrugs. "Maybe it's from the Hellmouth?" Carmilla gives her a skeptical look.

Laura suddenly clutches her stomach, spins away, and falls to her knees and throws up again. When she's done she crawls back towards Carmilla, who just sits there looking more miserable. Laura sighs and lies down on the air mattress.

"Speaking of the Hellmouth, has the dipstick found anything?"

"Nope, J.P. hasn't found anything yet. Just that the trolls were looking for this magic rock in the forest to protect themselves from lophiiformes, and that the spirits in the library that ruined the fireworks at the beginning of the semester were disturbed by the sudden increase in supernatural activity."

Carmilla just nods but doesn't say anything else.

Laura pats the air mattress next to her. "Wanna lie down?" Carmilla shakes her head. Before Laura can pester her further, her phone rings. It's LaFontaine, so she answers it.

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