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*Isabella's p.o.v*

After Sergeant Grey tell everyone the new rules, Tim, Lucy, and I start heading to their car. When we're in the car Lucy is talking about her missing car.

Tim: Grey's right. We need to rededicate ourselves to doing this job the right way, which means the last 25 days of your training are gonna be even more intense.

Lucy: We should check the chop shops, see if anyone brought my car in.

Tim: That's what you're focused on? Even as parts, your car is worthless.

Lucy: Not to me.

Tim: Let the hunk of junk go and focus on the end of your training.

Lucy: Is that what you would do? Let someone get away with stealing the thing that means the most to you? The only constant thing in your life for the last 10 years?

Tim: It's a car.

Lucy: It's the only place -- (radio chatter) Never mind.

Tim: The only place what?

Lucy: Where I felt safe... after Caleb.

Tim: There's a chop shop on Melrose. We'll start there.

We start driving around and we start driving to a scene. It was this lady getting mad at this guy in her car. I didn't want to get out because it seemed boring so Lucy and Tim let me stay inside. A few minutes passed by and the guy finally got out of the car and apologized. Lucy heads back to the car and grabs something to ask the lady. She comes back really happy and Tim starts to drive. We drive through this neighborhood until Tim says something.

Tim: There it is.

Lucy: Somebody's inside.

Tim shuts the engine off

Tim: *into the radio* Control 7-Adam-19, occupied 10-8-5-1, Wilshire Normandy Station.

Lucy: Stop right there! Put your hands on top of your head. Fingers interlaced. *puts on the handcuffs*

Lucy: You are under arrest for auto theft.

The girl: No. You don't understand. I didn't steal the car. The guy who owns it lent it to me, but he lost the keys.

Lucy: I'm the guy who owns the car.

The girl: You didn't even lock it. What did you expect?

Lucy: Yeah, well, it doesn't lock.

The girl: It does now.

Lucy: What? How did you fix it?

The girl: It was easy. Just popped off the door panel. Took like two minutes.

Lucy: Wait, are you living in here? How old are you?

The girl: 17.

Tim: Where are your parents?

The girl: Dead.

Tim: Alright, anything in here that's gonna stick me? Needles, knives?

The girl: No.

Lucy: How long have you been living on the street?

The girl: A year. Careful with that!

Lucy: Oh. Sorry. Must be hard living like this.

The girl: What do you care?

Lucy: Uh...I-I'm not gonna press charges. Here, stand up.

The girl: Seriously?

Lucy: Yeah, it's my car, my prerogative.

Tim: Boot --

Lucy: We'll get you set up over at a children's shelter, alright?

The girl: Oh, you don't have to. I got someplace else I can go.

Lucy: Does it have doors that lock and people that care about you?

The girl: You know how many times I got my stuff stolen from there? And it's too far from school.

Tim: You still go to school?

The girl: Yeah. I do. And I get good grades. Any more dumb questions?

Lucy: Look, I don't want to make getting to school hard for you, but I don't have a choice here, so it's either jail or the shelter. But I won't just dump you there, okay? I'll -- I'll help you find a permanent place.

The girl: Is she for real?

Tim: Officer Chen, a word. You, stand here, hands on the car. *walks to the side with Lucy* Congratulations.

Lucy: On what?

Tim: On your first puppy.

Lucy: What?

Tim: Every rookie adopts a puppy at some point -- someone they think they can save. Honestly, I'm surprised it took you this long.

Lucy: Did you have a puppy?

Tim: That's...not relevant here.

Lucy: Mm-hmm.

Tim: What is, is that it never goes well.

Lucy: Okay, well, she's not a puppy. She's a girl in trouble, and I'm gonna help her. Okay?

This whole time I've been listening in on the 'arrest'. This whole car theft situation got me really intrigued. When that girl was talking she sounded familiar. The only way to find out is by getting out of this car. I call out for Tim.

Me: Tim? Can I get out please I need some air.

He opens the door for me and I pretend I'm getting some air. I then turn around to be met with eyes glaring right at me. T is that really you? I thought. 

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