The Guilt

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Rainbow Dash was resting, laying down in her temporary room, just letting time pass.

She didn't wish anyone could see her purple eye at that moment, especially the leader of that ship.

Everything was fine, until someone knocked on the door.

She decided to ignore it, who knows, maybe they would get the message.

- Excuse me. - A soft voice that she had known very well said, entering the room with a small box in her hand.

Rainbow Dash put her hand over her eyes to hide them.

- Is there a problem, Fluttershy? - She asked calmly.

- I came to evaluate your injured eye and leave you with some herbs to reduce the swelling. -  Explained, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Rainbow quickly glanced at her.

- I am fine. I do not need this. Ouch! - She scolded when the doctor passed a finger close to her eyelid.

- With what I'll give you, you won't be sore by tomorrow.

The colored girl remained silent, resigned. But sometimes she looked at the doctor, disturbed.

- Look, if you're doing this because we had sex, you better know that I don't repeat the same dose and steady relationships are not for me. - She thought it better to warn, she didn't want to break the hearts of innocent women.

Fluttershy let out an adorable laugh.

- Not even. For me, it was the same thing. And also, I like someone else. - She admitted, removing a cloth from her box.

Rainbow Dash smiled mischievously.

- Unrequited, apparently. And from this boat, probably. You don't seem to have much contact with other people.

- Falling in love with someone on dry land is not impossible. - She admitted, melancholy, finishing cleaning the corner of Rainbow's eye. - But you're right. I like someone on the ship.

- Let me guess! - Rainbow exclaimed euphorically, replaying in her head all the moments that Fluttershy interacted with someone. - Is it Rarity? You seem to have a lot of admiration for her. Or is it Twilight? I notice how much you focus on her when she speaks. No no! It's Sunset! Whenever she's training with Rarity you seem to admire them. Or were you looking at Rarity? Now I'm confused... - She frowned, embarrassed. She didn't even consider Applejack, as she couldn't imagine that woman being with anyone romantically. It even seemed wrong to imagine it.

- You're a very intelligent woman, Rainbow, but apparently, you're not a good guesser. - Fluttershy had to admit, after laughing at the other's assumptions. Rainbow sulked at her words. - I like Pinkie.

- The Cook? - Her eyes widened in surprise.

- Yes. Do you think it would work? - She asked, unsure.

- I have no idea. She's usually so cheerful and doesn't seem to care much about things. I wouldn't be able to identify it even if I could. - Explains, undecided.

Fluttershy sighs, leaving the eye herbs on the headboard.

- I don't know why I asked you. I forgot to tell you an important detail: Pinkie likes Sandwich.

Certain things started to make sense in Rainbow's head at that moment.

They remained silent for a while longer, before Fluttershy took a deep breath and removed the haggard expression from her face.

- Can you show me your abs now?

- How do you know I have a bruise here? - He asked, frowning.

By the way, how did she know she was hurt, in general?

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