The Rescue

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- Applejack! - Rainbow shouted, trying to get the other's attention, but she didn't even turn around, running as fast as she could towards the boat.

Because she was also fast, she followed the blonde closely, seeing the desperation in the other's every movement.

But what the hell was going on?

Her question was answered when they reached the ship, with only Scootaloo hiding on the side of the boat, with tears in her eyes and looking very scared.

- Little Scoot! - Applejack shouted, approaching the girl, who, seeing the captain there, quickly ran into her arms. - Can you tell me what happened? - Asked, trying to catch her breath.

- They took Spike. - She exclaims, frustrated. Finally in trustworthy arms, she allowed herself to cry. - They... They said again that we had no right to take him away. And.. they attacked the ship. Twilight, Rarity and Sunset tried to defend us, but in the meantime they took Spike. Twilight was desperate after them and... No one here would leave the others behind. They all went together, I decided to stay here, to let you know when I arrived.

- Little Scoot, you didn't need to be alone. - She lamented, hugging her tighter.

- Do you know where they went? - Rainbow asked, crouching down next to the two.

- I don't know! They said something about a village. Only that. - The youngest replied, frustrated.

Rainbow's mind raced, despite it being a large island, in the port they were in there was only one island that could be reached quickly.

- I have a bet about where they are. I will bring them back. - She declared, standing up once again, but Applejack stood up too, with Scootaloo in her lap.

- I will not leave my crew behind. Guide the way.

Rainbow ran ahead, always watching to see if the captain followed her, as she had the additional weight of Scootaloo on her lap.

The youngest insisted that it wasn't necessary, that she could run too, but the oldest wouldn't let her get down.

The colorful woman saw a sign in the distance, which already indicated the proximity to the village.

- Rainbow Dash! - Applejack called her and she turned to listen to her. - Hold Scootaloo, please.

The girl was placed on her lap and stopped complaining, blushing slightly.

She was on her idol's lap, after all.

Applejack ran ahead, feeling her heart beating frantically with exhaustion and agony.

If her family wasn't well she would never forgive herself.

When she arrived at the place, she saw her friends in an attack position, while Twilight struggled to get to the place where Spike was being held, but the tribe leader stopped her on the way.

The sub-captain preferred not to immediately resort to violence, which is why she tried to talk to the head of the place.

- Spike has been officially free from this community for years! Your mother entrusted him to us, so you have no right to want to keep him! - She shouted at the man, irritated.

- He's part of our family. We are short on hands, he will work with us, for the good of our land. - He said with conviction.

- Family? - Applejack says with contempt, approaching. - A family that mistreated him, not guaranteeing a child the minimum he should earn?

She extended her sword to the leader of that group.

- Give us back Spike. Now. - She demanded with a hard look.

The man laughed mockingly.

- You better leave, if you don't want to get hurt. - He quickly exposed a handheld machine, which he threw up, making a loud bang.

The crew of the MLP boat looked scared at that.

That was... A firearm. A handy firearm.

The man pointed the gun at the captain, smiling mockingly.

- You'd better come back with your tail between your legs, if you don't want me to force you all to work for me.

Applejack remained with her sword pointed at the man, trying to find a way out for everyone.

- I think you should lower the ball, Counter. - A new voice appeared, standing next to Applejack.

- Rainbow Dash? - He asked, in shock.

- In the flesh. - Declared, smiling sideways at him. - And I'm with this crew on time. I don't know if you really want to face my new clients. - Scootaloo took off his arm, firmly holding her hand, behind her, as Rainbow approached Counter. - There is a troop of soldiers coming from a boat, which parked in the port this afternoon, you must have seen them come when you went to kidnap those who shouldn't. - She murmured, putting herself in front of the gun, while the man remained paralyzed. - They are here. And if you don't let the boy go, I'll order them to attack. - The threat had the desired effect, as she saw the man slowly lower the gun, shaking.

- You can take him. - He murmured, controlling his anger.

- Good boy. - She tapped the man on the shoulder, while waving to Twilight who quickly went after Spike.

The moment they left was tense, but as soon as they moved away from the place and noticed that they were not being followed, they calmed down.

- What troops were you talking about? - Scootaloo asked, curious.

- I played a green one. I knew the crew that was next to us, it was a group of soldiers from Baltimare, probably on a vacation trip.

- You are incredible! - The smaller one shouted, looking at her with admiration.

- We are in your debt once again. Thanks. - The captain said, with a nod of her head, although calmer, she still seemed thoughtful and worried.

- I did nothing. They just knew better than to mess with me. - She smiled arrogantly.

When they arrived at the ship, they were surprised with confetti thrown in their faces.

- Rescue celebration party!! - Pinkie and Sandwich shouted at the same time.

- How did you know that everything had gone well? - Rainbow asked, amused.

- Sense Pinkie. - The crew girls said at the same time and Pinkie laughed, jumping into the kitchen.

Twilight headed towards the ship, still holding on to Spike, who was hugging her in fear.

Maybe scared by what happened or Rarity in his case, indignant, about how he couldn't defend himself at the time of the kidnapping.

She was worried about her ward, after all.

Sunset helped Flash pull up the anchor so they could travel once again.

- Which direction, captain? - Flash asked, opening the ship's large sail.

The wind rocked the ship, ready to take them away.

- To the northwest. - She declared, observing the ocean, leaning on the stern of the ship. She looked back at Rainbow Dash. - Towards Canterlot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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