The Fight

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It was a question of equality.

If you treat me badly, I will treat you worse.

Maybe it was just her competitive side, but Rainbow couldn't stand anyone acting "better" than herself.

And if Applejack was so intent on giving her the bad of the story, she was going to make it real.

If she thought she was bad, is better she is prepared for hell.

Not that Applejack, honestly, wasn't already in one.

In just one day on that ship, Dash could already see how much that woman seemed to sink into increasingly miserable stress.

And she was loving seeing it.

It felt like karma for treating her badly and Rainbow thought it was perfect.

There was nothing that could take her mind off the fact that she was the center of attention, at any time that was one of the situations.

So she watched with amusement as everyone gathered around Applejack, commenting on what they wanted from Griffonstone.

At the moment, Pinkie Pie was describing the ingredients to make a strawberry pie for Fluttershy's upcoming birthday.

It was supposed to be a surprise, but the cook practically shouted alongside the captain, making everyone listen.

Fluttershy looked at the cook with a restrained and embarrassed smile on her face.

- Okay, okay, Pinkie. I'll see what I can do to find what you want. - She commented with a small, comforting smile for the youngest.

And so the requests followed...

It was increasingly absurd.

Fluttershy asked for medicinal herbs, understandable.

Twilight new writing sheets and updated maps.

Sunset Shimmer new weaponry and Flash Sentry cleaning materials.

Now Spike, practically a child, asked for stones? Rarity, who Rainbow believed to be sensible, asked for fabric and needles?

There were two other children on that ship who kept jumping in front of the captain, asking for more useless things too.

The worst part of it all was Applejack's acceptance.

She smiled and said she would do her best to find what they needed. And everyone seemed to accept that. They acted as if they didn't know how difficult it would be to achieve all that.

At the end, the captain retired to her office, looking tired.

Rainbow decided to give her more encouragement.

- You seem to have 9 layers of stressful hell to take care of. - She commented, following her, arms crossed.

Applejack stopped walking, thoughtful.

- 9? - The question didn't refer to her being layers of hell or being stressful, which only confirmed your theory. Rainbow smiled sideways, looking at her mockingly.

- Your 5 faithful companions, the cleaner, the teenager, the children and... I was careful to add myself along. - She smiled, with false kindness. Applejack smiled back.

- And what do you want from Griffonstone, to complete my hell?

- Oh, don't worry. I'll go down with you, don't you remember? - And she said goodbye with a brief wave of her hand.


Rainbow Dash was in her fifteenth sleep.

She was snoring loudly, spread out on the bed, when she felt something light poke her nose and she let out a loud sneeze, soon hearing several people giggling.

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