The Sorry

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It shouldn't be difficult.

Nothing is difficult to Rainbow Dash.

She observed the interaction of people at the table. It was all quite noisy.

She was next to Scootaloo, much to the happiness of the youngest, who was chatting to herself about what she intended to do when she grew up.

Rainbow nodded and smiled at the child, but looked away several times to a certain captain who was at the end of the table, surrounded by the sub-captain and Rarity, the three of them talking excitedly about something.

She looked fine. It was stupid of her to worry that her words might have had any effect on her.


The sight of her paralyzed expression as she spoke, days ago, made her disagree.

- I'm so glad Applejack brought this, since-!

- Applejack? What about Applejack? - Rainbow turned to Scootaloo, desperate. - I wasn't looking at her. - She defended herself, whispering softly to the child.

Scootaloo looked at her without understanding, then looked at the ship's captain, who remained distracted with her friends by her side.

- Do you like her? - She asked, curious, her eyes shining.

In case Rainbow's disgusted grimace wasn't enough, she exclaimed:

- No! She's annoying as hell! - She exclaimed, irritated.

Was this the attitude of someone who wanted to apologize? Definitely not. And much less appropriate language to speak in front of a child.

- Sorry for the language, but no. It's impossible to like her.

- No, it is not. She is the nicest person I have ever met. - She defended the woman who treated her so well from the moment she went on that ship.

- Wasn't that person me? - Teased the little girl, catching her in the act.

Scootaloo blushed, inevitably.

- Second best! She is the second best! - Tried to defend herself, looking away.

- Okay, okay, she's second best and I don't like her. Now, what were you talking about her? - Rainbow asked, getting closer to the smaller girl.

It would be shameful for someone to realize that she wanted to know about the captain there.

- I was saying that she managed to find my shoes that I asked for. They are brand new. - She waved at her feet and shook them excitedly to show off her new leather boots. - The others were already old, now I can run around the ship comfortably once again. And she also got Sweetie Belle's hat! - She pointed to her friend who was devouring what was on her plate, without paying attention to her surroundings. She had a pretty pink hat on her head. - She always complained a lot about the sun on her face. She has a very sensitive skin. - Explained, shrugging her shoulders.

- So you're telling me... - She looked at everyone at the table. - That she managed to find everything you wanted?

- Yes. She always succeeds. - She replied, firmly.

Every day that blonde was more unpredictable.

And the apologies to her, inevitable.


They were arriving.

Ahead of schedule, as the sea currents were in their favor, which was not necessarily a positive factor, as they intended to go and leave before sunrise, but they arrived at noon, in full view of everyone.

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