The unfriended

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Jungkook threw himself onto Tae's couch.
"He's being totally weird,just because I never informed him of our plan and then we got into the way he acts self pitying , I told him I don't like that side off him and that far from growing up he was acting like a kid!"
"You said he acts like he had self pity? Jimin?"
"Well....yer,you know the rubbish about him being fat and ugly,that sort of thing.."
"Jungkook! How could you.....bullies at school used to tell him it all the time, I punched one of them once, he said right to Jimins face that he didn't know what our management was thinking putting him in a group, that he must be the comic value as nobody would take him seriously that he would be better off performing in a sack so nobody had to see him...., it was horrible, Jimins always overworked to prove his capabilities but told me he'd never fit in because of how he looked."
"But Jimins not ugly! He must see that when he looks in the mirror!"
"He doesn't look at himself much, when he's having makeup put on he just says thank you and gets up or just looks down all the time,don't you notice?"
"I thought he was just shy!"
Jungkook was feeling a bit of an ass, in his defence Jimin had tried to get rid of him when he was being friendly to him.
"Ok,I may have got a little hot tempered but I'm sure it wasn't all my fault!"
Just then both their phones pinged up a message,
'Tv interview tomorrow to thank the government and fans for being exempted, pick up from your homes between 9.30-9.45, RM to read from script, questions may be asked'
"So, looks like we will all meet, wanna go get your hair done?"
"Sure ,I was gonna leave it this blonde til I shaved it off but I prefer dark.."
"Me too dunno about cut though,Jimin was worried about having his head shaved......."
"Duh, he's insecure on his looks and probably thought he'd look awful...."
"Hmmm,I owe him an apology..."
"Yer,I'm sure it will be ok,Jimin doesn't like arguments ,he wont hold a grudge....."

No reaction whatsoever ,it was like Jimin had forgotten how to speak.
At the tv studio, RM had gathered them in a group and read his script to them, then asked if they had anything to add. The usual loud jokey conversation took place bar Jimin who stood looking out of a window.
"Anything Jimin?" RM asked
Jimin shook his head turning back to the window.
During the interview after Rm's speech, Jimin blatantly ignored the commentators question to him making Jin step in and say something funny about how the smaller male was overwhelmed by fans kind messages.
Not a word escaped Jimin's lips the whole time there.
The network thanked them for coming and then their transport arrived.Only two cars, Jimin got in as did Jin and Jungkook.
"Fancy a meal you two,I'll cook?"
"Of course Jin who could resist your cooking!"
Jimin turned to Jin shaking his head apologetically .
"You could at least be polite and explain why not!" Jungkook growled out
Jimin looked at the maknae then turned to Jin .
"Sorry Jin, I'm on a diet."
"But look fine!"
"Please Jin...."
Jin saw the strain in the others eyes and nodded.
"Me and you then Jungkook!"
The car stopped at Jimins and he got out quietly and they drove on.
"Jimin was quiet today," Jin observed
"Yer,I was gonna apologise to him but not after his brattiness today!"
"Apologise for what?"
Jungkook explained what had gone on fully expecting Jin to agree with him but?
"Please tell me you didn't go at him like that?"
"What? I admit I was a bit wrong but look at him today,rude!"
"Kook , Jimin has somethings going on..."
"Like what?"
"Are you really that dumb?"
"I'm not dumb! Tell me!"
"Not my story ......"
"Jin,don't leave me hanging!"
"No Kook, some things are too...personal,ah here we are,hope you brought your appetite!"
"As always!!"
Jimin escaped to his home closing the door and leaning against it.of course he'd wanted to eat with Jin but he'd told himself to be self sufficient not rely on anyone even if it meant he was unfriended by everyone so be it,surely that was easier than wondering if they liked him but really he got on their nerves? In his head it seemed totally logical it was too hard thinking he had friends and finding that he disappointed them in some way.
He walked to his kitchen opening the fridge then stopped,maybe he should diet,surely losing a few pounds would be better,the camera never lies and he'd been given an updated list of events,one of which was a tv show where they had been asked to perform their last song live.
Shutting the fridge he filled a glass with water then went into his home gym,exercising for an hour then cleaning his home and doing laundry.
He cut a lonely figure as he pottered around,missing a message Jin sent asking if he was ok.
By the time he saw it,it was hours later and he just sent a thumbs up emoji,immediately getting a call but he just let it ring, too tired and unwilling to have a conversation.
He got a bag ready for practice in the morning then showered and climbed into bed ignoring the rumbling stomach and sleeping fitfully.
He was ready when the car picked him up surprised to see Jungkook in it already,he nodded his head in greeting and heard a loud sigh in response,was the other annoyed that they were sharing a car?
"You know you were totally rude to Jin yesterday.....I'm fine if you have a childish grudge against me but don't act like that with him!"
Jimin swallowed the nauseous feeling in his throat,so Jungkook really didn't care.......he kept his head turned to the window to refrain from breaking down then took his phone and text Jin.
"Sorry I didn't answer your call,I don't want to worry you....I'm just.....trying to get through each day and it's easier not to talk , i know you understand why so forgive my rudeness."
Once sent he felt easier then he thought on how he could avoid constant conversations,maybe if he just smiled? Nobody would question him ,he was not by nature a rude person but he did like to chat...maybe just keep it simple and not engage in discussions that kept him polite but didn't mean he had to be a central character in it? Satisfied with his thinking as he'd not liked the idea yesterday of totally ignoring his band mates he closed his eyes for the journey.
Jungkook sent annoyed glances his way,why didn't he respond.......look at him there sitting relaxed with his eyes closed! But wait.....Jimins nervous tell was his hands and right now they were clenched tightly in his lap.....was he nervous?upset? Why didn't he just talk damn it!
Jungkook hated to admit it but he was missing the clingy giggling male, who walked around after him.

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