Suprise my baby

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There vacation came to an end and they had been back in Seoul for two weeks.
Jimin and Jungkook were closer than ever,if one started a conversation the other finished it.
The songs that everyone had written were discussed and some discarded others kept.
Jimin was amazed that his was chosen and grateful for the good feedback the others gave it.Jungkook seemed especially proud of him.
Today he was going to hear the music Suga had made to go with it and try and record it.
"Bye Kookie,see you later..."
"But why won't you let me come too?"
"Because it will take a while and I will feel nervous if you're there!"
"Well at least give me a kiss before you go...."
"Ok but don't get all handsy!"
Jimin leaned in for a quick peck but found himself hauled against Jungkooks naked chest and kissed like it was the end of the world.
Gasping for breath Jimin clenched his hands on the others muscled shoulders.
"Kookie!! I gotta go! You're not playing fair and can't you  put on a top instead of walking around half naked?"
"Nope....I like seeing you get all flustered....!"
"Well.....have a good day what are you going to do?"
"Shopping...Tae's coming with me...."
"Oh.....I thought you didn't like shopping?"
"I don't but I need some more tops my muscles have got bigger..."
"Don't I know it you musclepig! "
"Oh come like it when I hold you down!"
Jimin went rosy faced,
"I'm going...bye!"
Jungkook laughed at the speed Jimin left.
"Ah baby you're too cute..."
Jimin arrived and went straight to the studio where Suga was playing around.
"Hey this is the music...tell me what you think."
The music was good and soon they started laying down various parts of the song.
It took a while to put the backtrack then after they had eaten some lunch Jimin had to sing the whole song.
In the booth he waited for the intro and started to sing but Suga stopped him.
"Jimin your singing it mechanically.....we both know who this song was written for so sing it to him."
Jimin bit his lip then nodded ready to start again.
If it isn't fate what is it.....
This feeling I have for you
It somehow feels consuming
Taking over my body and soul
I don't want it to be just me
I want you to jump right onboard
Stop playing the card of friendship
It's just not enough anymore

Just love me,adore me
The way I love and adore you too
Come closer and closer baby
Let's spend the night like lovers do

When did it start this obsession
This feeling of needing you constantly
You smile and my hearts overflowing
My body gets heated and yearning
There's more to me that I want you to see
Let's see how you handle me baby
Press my buttons and let me loose
There's gonna be fireworks tonight
Repeat chorus

That's it my baby right there
Our heats on the rise right now
Your showing the feelings mutual
My lover you really care
Destiny brought us both together
Let us see we were made to love
Your gonna be my forever
No one else can break us apart
Repeat chorus
The song finished and he looked out of the booth to see Suga giving him the thumbs up.
"Did it sound ok?"
"It's good Jimin,really good but you haven't given it a title yet?"
"I wanted to call it true lover , or maybe fated love ? But are they a bit corny...?"
"Fated Lover sounds good let's go with that...I have to overlay some of the tracks you gonna wait or go home to Jungkook?"
"I'll stay....he's gone shopping with Tae...."
"You sure you've been here six hours already?"
"You're still here too,let's get this done."
"Kook what are we doing I here?"
"I wanna see something..."
Jungkook looked along some trays of rings his eyes drawn to the couple rings.
"Can I help you sir?"
The assistant stood in front of him and Tae both of whom were dressed in masks caps and glasses.
"Can I look at those ?"
The assistant pulled out two gold rings,one was larger with one diamond in the middle and patterned edge top and bottom,the other was slightly slimmer but the same detail.
Jungkook tried the larger one on admiring it then lifted the other out.
"I'm sure your girlfriend will adore this!" The assistant gushed.
"What do you think my 'girlfriend' will like this?" He asked Tae.
"Oh it will look perfect on ...her.." Tae sniggered"Good choice my man,"
Jungkook paid and slid the box into his jacket.
"Let's go eat I'm all shopped out," he said.
They chose a restaurant that had booths slipping their masks down while they ate.
"I hope it's going ok for Jimin....I like his song but have no idea what music Suga has created."
"Of course you like the song,it's about you two!"
"Ya think? Jimin wrote it just after we fell out then made up."
"Jimin always wears his heart on his sleeve."
"He's adorable,why did I take him for granted all these years,"
"Because he was never not there,you become used to things and so you take them for granted..."
"I hated it when he ran off...I felt shattered..."
It's Tae and Jungkook!
Omg I knew it you two are a couple right,
"That poisonous dwarf Jimin just tries to make it look like you like him but we know it's Taekook!"
Jungkook felt his temper rise and his fists clench.
"Ladies we are trying to have a peaceful meal.." Tae said politely.
"Oh you must be on a date,we support that girl she shouldn't have been locked up just for saying that about Jimin....i bet he insisted on it,he's no good for you Jungkook,tell him to stop messing with you,we live Taekook!"
Jungkook didn't notice people filming as he stood up glaring at the mindless fans.
"Are you for real condoning violence by so called fans,Jimin got seriously hurt and you think that's ok? You call yourselves fans well we don't want fans like you,Jimin is softhearted and wanted to let her off,we told him charges must be pressed and we will do the same to any other person who acts that way,why do you have so much hate for the kindest person in the group?"
Jungkook grabbed his bags and started walking,Tae followed then turned back,
"By the way,there has never and will never be 'Taekook!'
At the girls dismayed gasps he left hurrying after Jungkook.
"Fuck,fuck ,fuck,why do they have to be like that?" Jungkook said hitting the steering wheel with his fist.
"Calm down don't let them get to you....."
"I never realised til now that Jimin has been dealing with this hate by himself all these years and we let him because he convinced us it was so damned mad at them and us!"
Jungkooks  phone rang,it was the management...
"Jungkook we are trying to get it taken down but someone videod your argument with a fan and gave it to the media,they're saying you started the confrontation...."
"What?then they haven't got the whole story,shut don't let Jimin near a tv get Suga to keep him there."
"We will try.....hopefully our lawyers will get it stopped,go home keep out of sight."
Jungkook turned to Tae,
"Wtf? I bet it was that bitch and her friends,they're not the type of fans we need!"
"Hopefully someone else will come forward with the full video of them harassing you...let's get back."
Jungkook drove home and they put the news channel on and there it was a cut version pieced together to just look like Jungkook shouting at a fan.
Jungkook fumed and took out his best whiskey downing it and reaching for another until Tae stopped him.
"No Kook, this isn't the best way to deal with it, come on let's surf the net see if anyone has put up the full video."
The next hour and a half they looked and wrote down names of people who seemed to know more,keeping the tv on to see if the news changed.

"I'm gonna go Suga,Kookie will wonder where I am."
"Er you sure you don't want to replay the last bit?"
" ok, you were trying to get rid of me earlier now your trying to make me stay?"
"What no er...(shit he mumbled) ok then let's call it a day,I'll walk out with you,"

"Hey look ,Kook it's on the news the full video! Let's burn those conniving fuckers see how they like this!" Tae shouted as they both watched the proper video.

"And so it seems Jeon Jungkook took offence and rightly so at the derogatory remarks these so called fans made about Park Jimin....seems these bandmates stick together..........."
Jimin stood frozen in front of the large tv screen that was on a wall in the foyer. He heard what they said about him the pure hatred in their never ended he thought people hated him and now others were having to stand up for him? This constant animosity couldn't be good for the band,they would get harassed for sticking up for him.
"Jimin?Jimin it's just foolish people,ignore it," Suga said from next to him.
"Ignore it?How can I ....I'm putting you all at risk,you're now having to defend's me Suga,just me....all of you are liked I seem to be the fly in the ointment's me they dislike.....I can't do this to you all,I'll quit....."
"What! No Jimin you can't,you're not a problem,their warped minds are....hey where are you going? Jimin come back!"
Jimin rushed out dismissing security and quickly jumping into a taxi and driving off.he stopped the taxi a few miles away and jumped into another.
"Where to sir?"
"Out of town....just drive..."
Jungkooks phone rang,
"Suga have you finished recording?thanks for keeping him occupied ....I got a surprise for my baby, how long before he gets home?.....what!No.....he can't .....damn it no!!!"
"Kook?what is it?"
"Tae....he saw the full interview...."
"Good at least it wasn't the bullshit version...."
"No you don't understand....he thinks he's a burden to us,told Suga everyone hates him and that he isn't good for the group ,he's told Suga he's quitting."
"Don't worry Kook we will talk to him when he gets here ,of course we won't let him quit!"
"But we can't ,Suga said he left in a taxi instead of the company car,they traced it but Jimin got out and has vanished....!"

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