Forgiving and learning

628 48 4

Jungkook tapped his fingers on the armrest,he'd demanded to get a flight back so here he was a day and a half later being driven to Jimin's .
They arrived and Jungkook got out dismissing the driver.
He decided to use Jimin's key code rather than risk knocking and being turned away.It was ten thirty in the morning he was tired not having slept much since Jimin left.
He was worried he'd tried calling him but was ignored,texting too but nothing.
Quietly going inside he saw the blinds still closed and numerous suju bottles on the coffee table.
"Damn Jimin what are you doing to yourself?" He muttered.
Putting his bag down he walked to the bedroom,it was dark he could just make out the small sprawled figure on top of the bed.
The room reeked of alcohol.
Jungkook opened the blinds and the window turning back to the bed where Jimin seemed comatose. His hair stuck up everywhere his skin was pale his clothes messy.
Sighing Jungkook sat down on the edge of the bed calling him.
"Jimin....wake up Jimin..."
"Five more minutes mum........" Jimin slurred
"Come on baby let's get you cleaned up...."
"Sssh.....too loud my head go away mum ..."
Eyes fluttered open staring at him then the small male giggled.
"Kookies in my dream .....hi Kookie.......we can pretend we are together be a nice Kookie not the other Kookie....he doesn't want to be with me.......i got it wrong again......"
Jungkook hauled Jimin up,
"Now listen here Jimin......"
"You can't shout at me this is my dream only nice things happen........"
In response Jungkook kissed Jimin hard tasting the alcohol on the others breath.
Jimin at first fell into a cocoon of blissfulnesss until suddenly he needed to take a breath and his eyes shot wide open.
"Y-you're really here....why?Just leave already stop playing with me..."
"Jimin you look awful what have you been doing to yourself are you trying to kill yourself with alcohol??! "
"What do you care...just leave me be .." jimin tried pushing the other away  but Jungkook caught his wrists  in a firm grip pushing him til he was flat on his back.
"Now listen here...I apologise for my totally stupid remark,no don't look away...I was a rude insensitive  brat,I have no intention of letting you go or allowing anyone else to savour your body,your mine only you hear!"
"No...I'm not listening it's all lies!!"
"Jimin please.....I just opened my mouth without was a reaction because you turned me down and I'm ashamed to say I don't like being told no..."
"I.....I don't want a relationship just based on"
"It's won't be please give me another chance,I'll make it up to you...I want this to work I want us to be friends and lovers ....the boys are worried about you too."
"I felt I'd be laughed at...I know I'm not a great catch,you're all so talented and good I feel I have to prove myself....."
"Are you kidding?We all even Hobi envy your natural dance talent,your voice is powerful and unique and your cute sexy and handsome as fuck!"
"Not as much as you..." Jimin blurted then reddened turning his face away."
"Aw my baby thinks I'm handsome?"
Jimin pouted then looked down at himself.
"God I look a mess....i didn't go to bed until this morning....."
"Hmmm I saw your party you had,I'm sorry I made you do about you go shower I'll strip the bed and we can both sleep,I'm tired too I've been worried about you......"
"Ok....Kookie can we just take it slow....not just cuddles.....see if we can make this work?"
"Of course but I warn you your mine forever....ill text the do you feel about going back? There's still two weeks as we went out early?"
Jimin nodded," tomorrow,see if we can go then..."
Jungkook got on the phone texting the group then rang management,he apologised for the upset but said they both had personal stuff to deal with,he was told he'd get sent a text about flights.
Jimin got up staggering a bit.
"Careful I think you've drunk a lot..."
"Yer all on an empty stomach....surprisingly I don't feel sick..."
He went into the bathroom Jungkook quickly stripped the bed putting it into the washing machine.once the bed was remade he went and cleaned up the mess in the other room, opening windows to allow fresh air in.
He made some toast and sliced fruits putting them on a tray with two glasses of cold water.
Walking into the bedroom he placed the tray down as Jimin came from the bathroom a towel around his hips.
"Eat up,I'll shower,"
" smells better in here thanks..."
Jimin put on boxers and a t shirt then munched on the food and thirstily drank the water.
Jungkook came out towel around his hips,he saw Jimin wearing clothes.
"Oh I'll get my bag to put on boxers and t shirt ."
"It's ok I know you like to sleep naked,I just felt silly sitting here with nothing on....."
Jungkooks phone pinged and he read a text.
"The flights tomorrow at nine thirty in the we have today,let's sleep and have a meal later."
Jungkook threw the towel off and slid into the bed staring at Jimin.
Jimin left the window slightly open but closed the blinds.
He hesitated but took his top off then slid into the bed .
Both lay there a foot apart then Jimin sighed and moved closer leaning on Jungkook.
"Promise me Kookie if you get fed up with me we can be kind and friendly to each other?"
"It's a promise that is unnecessary I don't intend to let you down again,now let's cuddle."
His arms went around the smaller keeping him close both tiredly drifted off the effect of the last two days taking over their bodies allowing them to finally sleep peacefully.
RM looked at his phone and sighed in relief.
"They are back together and will be back,we should treat them as normal and maybe arrange a sight seeing day for all of us to chill out"
"Maybe we should make our songs about love broken hearts then makeup?" Suga mused
"Oh wow great idea...actually I'm gonna  write a few things down now,"RM muttered. Going to fetch his notepad..
It seemed the others were like minded as they all ventured of except Tae.
"Hey! Who's gonna cook? I'm starving!!! Come on guys really? You know I can't even boil an egg!!!!"

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