[4] Agatha

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I was sound asleep, wrapped in a blissful cocoon of exhaustion until a loud pounding on my back door jolted me awake, sending my heart racing. Frantically, I scrambled to my feet, disoriented and bleary-eyed, scanning my surroundings for any signs of danger.

"I told you eight!" John B's voice rang out from outside, cutting through the fog of my confusion. "It's ten thirty, get your ass up, Newton."

With a groan, I stumbled towards the door and swung it open, greeted by the sight of John B standing there with an air of impatience. The rest of our crew was gathered down on the HMS Pogue, John B's boat, ready to embark on whatever adventure awaited us. "Is my house destroyed?" I blurted out, my mind still foggy with sleep.

John B shrugged nonchalantly, gesturing towards a fallen tree that obstructed the path to my dock. "That looks like your only problem," he quipped, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "But I haven't checked the front yet."

"So your first instinct is to knock on the back door and not the front?" I retorted, unable to suppress a smirk despite my grogginess.

"I didn't feel like walking around," John B grumbled, his expression one of mock annoyance. "Just come on. The island is busy cleaning up, so the water is ours."

Grudgingly, I agreed, trudging back into my house to change into a fresh bikini and throw on a t-shirt and shorts over it. As I made my way back to the door, the sound of someone rummaging through my refrigerator reached my ears. "John B, do not steal my food!" I shouted indignantly. "I have no money to buy more!"

"Me too!" came his muffled response, eliciting a chuckle from me as I stepped out onto the porch once more.

"How's the chateau?" I asked, falling into step beside John B as we made our way towards the boat.

John B grimaced at the mention of his house. "A tree fell, and the yard's a mess," he replied, casting a sideways glance in my direction. "Other than that, she's going strong."

I nodded in understanding, reaching the end of my dock to find our friends waiting for us. "Hey, ladies," I greeted them with a smirk, accepting JJ's hand as he helped me onto the boat.

JJ's scrutinizing gaze fell upon me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his concern. "You look like hell," he remarked bluntly.

Kie, ever the protective friend, promptly whacked JJ's arm, shooting him a warning glare. "What!" he protested, feigning innocence. "Ron, are you, like, alright?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, my mind still fuzzy from lack of sleep and the remnants of last night's indulgence. "I smoked myself to sleep last night," I admitted with a shrug. "Storms freak me out."

Kie nodded sympathetically as she handed me a beer. "Well, then, here's a good morning treat," she offered with a smile, and I returned the gesture, easily popping open the bottle with John B's bottle opener.

"You know, I told you that you could stay at the chateau," John B interjected with a laugh as he started up the boat, steering us away from my dock. "But you insisted on being home."

"Oh, whatever," I grumbled good-naturedly, waving off his teasing. "J, how was your house after Agatha?"

JJ shrugged nonchalantly. "I went to the chateau."

"Of course, you did," I quipped, shooting him a playful glare. "Pope? Kie?"

"The back of the shop is a mess," Pope replied, referring to his dad's seafood market. "I'm actually not even supposed to be here."

I turned to Kie, hoping to glean some insight into her storm experience. "My house is fine," she reported matter-of-factly. "You and John B just have bad luck."

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