[14] Secrets In Stone

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As the cemetery came into view, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. "Is this some kind of fucking sick joke?" I blurted out, my voice laced with disbelief. "Why the fuck are we at a cemetery?"

John B's expression shifted as he realized he hadn't considered how I would react to being here. "I got a new lead on the Grady White thing and why those guys—"

"What did I tell you, John B?" I interrupted, frustration evident in my tone. "I have things to do! I have no time for this bullshit."

Silence filled the Twinkie, each of us unsure of how to proceed.

"I'll help you while I'm here, but next time just—" I paused, taking a deep breath to collect myself. "Next time just ask me, please."

With that, we piled out of the van, following John B to wherever he needed to go.

"Hey, come on," John B whispered.

"I'm coming," Kiara huffed, voicing her discomfort. "This place is scary."

I nodded in agreement, gesturing towards Kiara. "Seriously, who goes to a cemetery when it's dark out?" I began, a hint of unease in my voice. "That's like the scene where they die in every horror movie."

"John B, what are we doing?" Kiara asked.

"Shut up," he hushed her, his tone tense. "You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?"

We all nodded.

"So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right?" John B explained, his voice low. "It's not a place, it's a person."

We halted our steps as John B illuminated a gravestone with his light, revealing the name "Redfield" etched into it.

"Voi-effing-la," JJ chuckled. "Now who the hell is she?"

I playfully elbowed JJ in the side. "Don't anger the spirits, J," I whispered.

"It's my great-great-grandmother, Olivia Redfield," John B answered, his tone tinged with reverence. "That was her maiden name. Now, someone help me with the door."

The boys began to work on pushing the door, their muscles straining against the weight as the girls watched with amusement.

"Come on, boys, use those muscles you like to brag about," I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.

"This door is like 700 pounds, it's not gonna budge," Pope panted, his breath heavy.

JJ let out a tired sigh. "We didn't come this far, to get this far, alright?"

The sudden hissing sound pierced the quiet night, causing Pope and JJ to jump back with startled shouts.

"Whoa!" Pope exclaimed.

"A snake!" JJ cried out, his voice tinged with panic.

The snake slithered down from the grave, causing both boys to stumble backward toward where the girls stood.

"That's a snake, alright!" JJ stated the obvious, his tone laced with nervous energy. "Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass!"

Terrified of snakes, I leaped onto JJ's back in a desperate attempt to avoid the creature. To my surprise, JJ's reaction was more composed than expected; he merely used one hand to support me as I clung to him.

Then, in an unexpected turn of events, JJ began barking loudly at the snake, as if it were a dog.

"JJ, shut up!" Kiara pleaded urgently. "Shut up!"

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