[16] Flat Tire

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The plan was straightforward. Kiara and I would meet with the boys at the salvage yard in Squeaky, assuming the roles of two damsels in distress with a flat tire and a "broken window" that refused to roll up.

We had our own tactics, distinct from the boys' plan. Essentially, Kiara would take charge of the conversation with whoever was present, while I'd do my part to keep him occupied.

It was a trick I'd often employed to get my way—deliberately wearing more revealing clothes when visiting the shops around OBX.

"Hello?" Kiara's voice rang out as we emerged from the car, her hand waving gracefully to catch the man's attention. "Excuse me?"

Following closely behind her, I wore the bikini top from earlier and a pair of short shorts that barely covered my body. Typically, I'd feel confident in such an outfit, but today, with my bruises on display, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi! Um, we actually have a flat tire," Kiara explained, gesturing to both of us, "I was wondering if maybe you could help us out?"

The guard's gaze lingered on my body, and I inwardly rolled my eyes. "Yeah, uh, I'll come around and check it out."

Once the guard had turned away, I stole a glance back at where the boys were concealed and winked. "Too easy," I whispered to Kiara, a smirk playing on my lips. "The girls always pull through."

Kiara groaned softly. "Don't—don't call them that."

After a brief moment, the gate to the salvage yard swung open, and the guard stepped out, heading toward us.

"It's just this back one right here," Kiara pointed to the rear tire, "I mean, it must've been a slow leak or something."

I leaned against the boat, subtly gesturing for the boys to proceed with their plan.

"Maybe it was sitting in the yard too long?"


"It's gorgeous out, you ladies going to the beach or something?" The guard asked, spotting my surfboard tied down to the top of the car.

As the guard busied himself with the tire, I put on my best flirtatious smile, twirling a strand of hair between my fingers. "We were on our way there, actually," I said in a tone reserved for such occasions, "We heard today's a good tanning day."

The guard's eyes roamed over me, and I could sense Kiara growing anxious beside me. Unsure if we'd given the boys enough time, she moved to the other side of the car and began to deflate another tire.

"You hear that?" The guard's voice broke the momentary silence as he paused, his ears catching the distant sound of a barking dog.

"Hear what?" I replied nonchalantly, feigning ignorance. "I don't hear anything."

The guard shook his head and straightened up. "It sounds like Tebow's got something."

I shrugged, scanning the area. "Maybe it's just a raccoon or something, nothing to worry about." I suggested, trying to dismiss the suspicion.

"You're right, yeah," he conceded, though his eyes remained wary.

As the guard finished with the tire, the sound of another one deflating caught his attention. Before I could intervene, he moved swiftly, realizing Kiara was tampering with the tire.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, his tone betraying his suspicion as he caught Kiara kneeling beside the tire with a hairpin, releasing air.

"This one looked... a little low too," Kiara stammered, trying to mask her guilt as she watched the guard retreat. "Wait, no! Shit!"

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