[18] Hammocks

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When we got back to the cut and docked Heyward's boat, the man didn't seem to notice the new bruises on both Pope and I. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the shop, it was likely he didn't even realize we had come back.

It had been a grueling day for me, my body pleading for rest. While JJ and Pope were off to meet John B and Kiara for some surfing, I decided to head back to the chateau and lay down for a bit.

But upon entering the house, I was met with a sight that soured my mood even further. The aftermath of the break-in had left the place in disarray, and I couldn't bear to ignore it. So, despite my exhaustion, I spent three and a half hours cleaning up the mess—collecting scattered trash, sweeping and mopping the floor, and tackling the pile of dishes in the sink.

Three and a half hours that I could've used to sleep.

By the time I finished, it was dark outside. I took a quick ice-cold shower to wash away the grime accumulated throughout the day. As much as I craved a warm shower, the lack of power meant the water heater was out of commission.

Standing in the middle of the now-clean kitchen, I felt a sense of pride at the transformation.

"Holy shit," John B's laughter filled the room as he entered with the others, "what the hell happened in here?"

I smirked at his remark, retorting, "You live like a pig in a puddle of mudd, John B."

As John B walked by and patted my shoulder, I fought to conceal the pain that shot through me, pretending to stifle a sneeze.

"Actually, it is," Pope chimed in, "you're the one who wants the gold."

JJ intervened, shaking his head, "We all want that gold, John B just decided we have to try and get it every single day."

Kiara nodded in agreement, "It'll be worth it in the end, right?"

With everyone settling into their own hammocks in the backyard, JJ found himself deciding whom to share with. Sensing my discomfort, he chose to join me.

"JJ, I swear if your feet come anywhere near my face–"

JJ laughed at me, laying beside me.

Gratefully accepting his presence, I made space for him beside me. As we settled into the hammock's comfort, I began softly strumming my guitar, playing Coldplay's "Yellow." Despite my attempt to hide it, JJ seemed to sense something was amiss.

Usually, John B or Kiara would notice my injuries without fail. But today, they seemed oblivious. It wasn't like them. And it scared JJ.

"You really think it's out there?" Pope asked John B about the gold, breaking the momentary silence.

"My father thought it was."

"But do you?"

As the conversation continued, I found myself lost in my thoughts, pondering the same questions as Pope. If John B was pursuing the gold just to honor his father's legacy, it would undoubtedly unsettle me, especially if he didn't truly believe in it.

"After hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do," John B declared with confidence.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Pope replied.

My mind drifted away from the conversation as I felt JJ rest his head on my shoulder, his warm breath against my neck. Despite the pain coursing through my body, I couldn't deny the comfort of his presence.

JJ Maybank and I had always shared a connection, a palpable chemistry that simmered beneath the surface. Despite our undeniable attraction, we had never taken the leap into a romantic relationship. Over the past two years, we had both explored other relationships, but none seemed to stick. It was as if we were both searching for something more, something we could only find in each other.

There had been moments when our unresolved feelings erupted into chaos, like the time my "boyfriend" crossed paths with JJ. Despite my ignorance of the situation, JJ's hatred towards the guy was insane. He ended up leaving with a black eye and a broken arm, courtesy of JJ's pent-up frustration.

Similarly, I found myself in a brawl with one of JJ's flings during a party at the chateau. The girl's ill-advised comments sparked a furious reaction from me, culminating in a brutal altercation that ended with her battered and bruised.

As JJ settled against me in the hammock, I couldn't help but revel in the comfort of his presence. It was a rare moment of peace amidst the chaos of our lives.

"We're gonna find it, you know," Kiara's voice pulled me out of my reverie, "even the blondies believe."

"Oh, my God, JJ, Ronnie, do you really believe?" John B asked with a laugh.

JJ lifted his head from my shoulder, looking over at John B. "Totally. Wait, are we talking about the four mil?"

"Four hundred mil," Pope and Kiara corrected simultaneously.

"Jinx," Kiara added quickly.

JJ smirked, lying back down against me. As I shifted to accommodate him, I couldn't help but smile at the warmth of his presence.

"I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks," JJ declared, causing Kiara to chuckle. "Good night, bird."

John B laughed, "Goodnight, bird shit!"

I laughed along with them, leaning my head back onto JJ's and closing my eyes.

It had been about an hour of trying to fall asleep, but the pain from earlier lingered, preventing any rest.

"You okay?" JJ whispered, sensing my discomfort.

I shook my head. "It feels like I got stabbed in the shoulder and the knife is still there," I replied calmly. "Next time I see Rafe, I'm going to shoot him."

JJ laughed softly. "The last thing we need is a murder charge," he pointed out. "But why the hell did Rafe jump you? I mean, Pope, I get, but you're a girl."

"He and I have never not hated each other," I explained. "Except he thinks he has a shot at hooking up with me and hates me for not wanting to... and because he knows Sarah and I hate each other."

"Wait, he's asked you to hook up?"

"Not word for word," I clarified. "He just tries to flirt and make himself seem like a tough guy who could 'change my life,' but I don't need that in my life."

JJ nodded, adjusting himself so that my head could rest on his shoulder instead. "Say the magic word, and I can fix it," he teased.

I let out a breath, relaxing against him. "You literally just said we don't need a murder charge," I reminded him. "I don't think there's anything you can do to make him stop. He knows it bothers me, so he'll keep doing it until I say something."

That's what puzzled JJ, I could tell. Veronica Newton always had something to say when it came to someone bothering her, especially a kook. So why was I letting Rafe Cameron of all people get away with it?

"Ron, I need you to beat the shit out of him one day."

"That's my goal in life," I agreed, letting out a soft laugh. "If I ever had to kill somebody—"

"Okay, I didn't mean to kill him... but I like the spirit."

I sighed, nuzzling my head into the crook of JJ's neck. "I'm tired," I mumbled, closing my eyes.

JJ wrapped his arm around me, offering a sense of comfort. "So then sleep," he encouraged me with a smirk.

I smiled faintly. "Goodnight, J."

"Night, Ron."

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