[19] Underwater Sonar

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The following morning, I woke up earlier than everyone else, the weight of the day's impending events heavy on my shoulders. As I slipped out of the hammock I shared with JJ, a pang of guilt tugged at me. He looked so peaceful lying there, oblivious to the world around him. But I couldn't focus on that now; I had to focus on what lies ahead.

Quietly, I made my way into the chateau, the creak of the door echoing in the stillness of the morning. With a heavy heart, I left a note for the others, I didn't want them to worry or think that something terrible had happened to me overnight.

Carefully, I folded the note and left it on the hammock, making sure it was taped to JJ's face. It was the only way to be sure that he wouldn't miss it. Besides, he was a deep sleeper anyways; he wouldn't feel me taping down the note.

Taking a deep breath, I sat in the drivers seat of Squeaky, the crisp morning air filling my lungs as I rolled down my window. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Despite the beauty of the morning, my mind was consumed with thoughts of the task ahead.

Today was the day I would lay my parents to rest.

As I made my way to the cemetery, memories flooded my mind—memories of happier times, of laughter and love shared with my parents. But those memories were tinged with sadness now, overshadowed by the gaping void their absence had left in my life.

Arriving at the cemetery, I was met with a sense of solemnity. The quiet stillness of the morning enveloped me, adding to the weight of the occasion. I had chosen this spot carefully yesterday, a peaceful corner of the cemetery where my parents could rest undisturbed.

It was a miracle that they were able to have this ready to do a burial less than twenty four hours after I bought the plots.

With trembling hands and teary eyes, I placed two flowers down on the caskets, one on each. I had to push through the pain, driven by the need to honor my parents' memory.

With a heavy heart, I watched as the groundsmen at the cemetery lowered the coffins into the ground, my hands shaking as I did so. It was a surreal moment, watching as my parents were laid to rest, knowing I would never see them again in this life.

"I thought I'd find you here," Sheriff Peterkins voice interrupted my thoughts, "I thought for sure you would've brought those friends of yours with you."

I wiped the tears that threatened to stain my cheeks, letting out a pained laugh, "yeah, like I'd invite my friends to come watch me cry."

Peterkin raised an eyebrow, putting a hand on my shoulder in a gesture that was meant to comfort me.

"Wait, why are you here?"

"I was on patrol and saw you standing here alone," She let out a sigh, silencing the radio that repeatedly went off in her holster.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at peterkin confusedly, "how did you know it was me?" I asked,  "and am I in trouble?"

If there was one thing Sheriff Peterkin was not, it's selfish. Whether My friends and I have bothered to take notice of it, Peterkin has always done her best to keep up out of jail. If the outer banks had any other sheriff, JJ and I would've been in jail hundreds of times.

"Well, for starters, people usually wear all black to a burial," Peterkin pointed out my signature Bikini top and shorts combo, "which means your friends probably don't know you're even here."

I nervously laughed, wrapping my arms around myself.

"And no one deserves to be alone during a moment like this."

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