[13] Remains

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After work, I made the decision to drive by my house again. I needed a moment alone to go over the damage and try to get anything that was worth saving.

Before leaving, I stopped by the chateau and noticed that nobody was around. So, I left a note to let them know where I'd be. They would all collectively freak out if they couldn't find me, especially at a time like this.

As I walked around my burnt-out house, I took careful steps, wary of the weakened structure beneath my feet. The devastation was overwhelming. The kitchen, already in shambles, was unrecognizable. The living room was no better, with the couch half-submerged and broken.

Entering my bedroom, I found broken glass strewn everywhere from the shattered windows. There wasn't much left that hadn't been scorched, but I gathered whatever clothing I could salvage and stuffed them into a beach bag I had brought with me.

A handful of bathing suits, tops, shorts, and undergarments were all that remained intact from my wardrobe. My shoes fared even worse, with only a single pair of sneakers surviving the inferno.

In my parents' room, I scoured for any clothing that had survived the blaze. With my options limited, I grabbed what I could find, knowing I had to make do with what little I had left.

As I surveyed the almost unrecognizable room, my eyes fell upon a framed photo on my dad's dresser. In the photo was him, Big John Routledge, and Ward Cameron from a few years ago – a reminder of the friendship they once shared before drifting apart as Ward and Big John pursued the Royal Merchant's gold.

I held onto the photo, knowing John B would appreciate seeing it too.

Suddenly, a familiar loud beeping pierced the air from outside the house. looking out the front door, I spotted the Twinkie parked outside, with JJ leaning out of the passenger's window.

"Come on, Ron, we've got work to do," he called out with a smirk, tapping the side of the car.

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "Can I bring my car to the chateau? I'd rather not come back for it."

"We'll follow," JJ assured me, his tone firm and determined.


I settled into the back of the Twinkie, stealing glances at the boys as they drove towards Kiara's place.

"So, princess, how was work?" JJ's smirk was unmistakable as he twisted around to face me.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please, you tell me," I retorted, "Rafe and Topper were there."

John B glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "Did they say anything to you?"

"Topper didn't say a word except for his order. I think JJ scared him shitless," I smirked, "and Rafe, well, let's just say I made it clear he should keep his kindness to himself or else I'd kill him."

I knew I was bending the truth a bit, but I didn't want to get into the details of Rafe grabbing my arm. That would only spark unnecessary drama.

"Well, that's one way to handle it," Pope sighed, shaking his head.

I shrugged, moving towards the back of the van in search of the blanket we usually kept there. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, and a nap sounded heavenly.

"John B, where's the blanket?" I grumbled.

"Remember we brought it on the pogue and it flew off into the water?" John B reminded me, "You were the one who said to leave it, claiming it would 'keep the fish warm.'"

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