[7] Kegger

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There weren't many things that got me going, but a kegger was undoubtedly one of them. With my love for a good time and a bunch of equally wild friends, it was never a dull moment.

A kegger for us Pogues was like our version of a kook house party. Unlike those uppity affairs, we preferred to keep things casual and beachy, like tonight at the boneyard. Sure, it was just a secluded beach, but that suited us just fine.

The party had kicked off a few hours ago, with the sun dipping low in the sky as the sandy shores filled with all sorts of folks – Kooks, Pogues, and of course, Tourons, also known as tourists.

I particularly enjoyed when the tourists joined in. It meant I could have a little fun without worrying about the consequences. Whether the hookup was good or bad, it didn't matter; they were gone by sunrise.

JJ was already on the prowl, eyeing his prey for the night.

"So, Ronnie, what's with the shirt?" Kiara chimed in, noticing my unusual attire for the occasion. "This isn't like you."

I chuckled, refilling my red solo cup with more beer. "Haven't found tonight's entertainment yet," I replied with a smirk, scanning the scene. I made sure to avoid looking in JJ's direction, not wanting to see him cozying up to some other girl. "Besides, it's a bit breezy tonight."

Kiara nodded knowingly, following my gaze. A grin spread across her face as she caught me watching JJ. "You wish that were you, huh?"

I shot her a look, narrowing my eyes. "Oh, god no," I said dismissively, walking away.

Kiara laughed, following me over to John B.

I couldn't help but smirk as I swiped John B's hat, placing it on my head. "What's the plan, JB?"

But our conversation was interrupted when Kiara pointed out something washed up on the sand – Sarah Cameron and her sorry excuse for a boyfriend, Topper Thornton.

Sarah was Kiara's former best friend turned enemy, and for me, she was a whole other level of rival. We were like rival royals, fighting to defend our people – Sarah for the kooks, and me for the Pogues. Our last encounter ended in a six-on-one brawl, and let's just say, the odds were not in my favor.

The word got around quickly about the kook vs pogue showdown and how the kooks won. It tore me apart, and I couldn't tell anyone about it— and they will never know that I was the Pogue in the fight. That day was the day I decided to start drinking more regularly.

The memory of that day fueled my rage. "I want to start some trouble," I declared, gripping my cup tightly as I took a step forward. "I want to start a fight."

John B turned to me, his expression serious as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Absolutely not. We're supposed to be laying low."

"You sound like Pope," I scoffed, but my determination was unwavering. "But if that bitch even looks at me, it's on."

"No, Ronnie. You're just drunk. You'll regret it tomorrow," John B reasoned.

Kiara chimed in, knowing I was stubborn as a mule. "She's not even worth it. Can't even fight her own battles. Heard she got some kooks to do her dirty work because she had a fresh manicure."

"Enough about Sarah Cameron," I snapped, eager to change the subject. "I've got to find me a hot guy."


As darkness settled in, the girl that JJ had been hanging around with all night was gone. Typical touron behavior. In contrast, I had swiftly moved on and found myself a different source of entertainment for the night,

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