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"C'mon, babe, just another hit? Just one? I know you can't resist these moves." Adam squiggled his fingers in feigned delight while pantomiming thrusting. I fought a feeling of intense repulsion. There had to be more than this place of eternal happiness. Could I even be happy here? Adam took my silence negatively and sidled up to grab my upper arm violently.

"You're my wife." He ground out angrily. "You're supposed to obey me." I took a deep breath and turned to him.

"I am your wife, but I can speak for myself." I spat back. He flicked up an eyebrow and let me go, shrugging with a mocking grin on his face.

"Sure. Sure, you can. Go ahead and get the fuck out of here, then. Go be your stupid fucking—I don't know, one person." There were only the two of us stuck together in Eden. I only knew him, and a few of the angels that came down from time to time. It was painfully lonely. Adam only wanted to speak about himself. It was always, "Hey babe, come here grab this—" and "hey babe, look at me doing this!" it was exhausting and stupid. I flushed in anger at the thought. The world was so new, and so unexplored. And yet I was here stuck to this miserable human being, who thought he owned me because he was here first.

"I'm going on a walk." I mumbled. Spinning away in anger, I walked away, my cheeks burning as Adam's mocking laughter followed in my wake. I had nowhere to go. The garden was small, enclosed, and we were instructed to stay within their borders. We were instructed to remain with one another. Eden was... something new that I couldn't quite name. Some concept of unhappiness I didn't know how to explain, because it was supposed to be impossible for me to be unhappy in the garden. So how was I beating the impossible? How was I supposed to ever feel happy when this was the best it could be?

I sank down to my knees and settled next to one of the nearby fruit trees, staring blankly into the water. I was supposed to feel something here. Something more than unhappy. A well seemed to open up in the middle of my chest, and I felt my heart drop as a strangled hitch came from my throat. The sound made my chest hurt more, and suddenly my cheeks were damp as my eyes stung gently. Water was coming from my eyes. I brushed them away in shock and watched the small droplets land on the grass with a glistening splash. I touched them, feeling the way the grass dampened. They felt like warm rain in the summer, slowly tracing down my cheek just like the thunderstorms that visited once in a while. I licked my cheek and was shocked to find it salty. Now that the droplets were drying on my face, my skin felt tight and raw, and I scrubbed at it with my hands to make the feeling come back, taking deep breaths because my nose felt tight, and it was hard to breathe.

"Are you alright, my dear? It looks like you've done a lot of crying. Who broke your heart?" The cheerful, lilting voice stirred my attention into a clearing not too far away. It was one of the angels from the sky, with blond hair, a charming grin, and six large wings spanning from his back. He floated gently above the earth, looking at me with a mixture of concern and playfulness. He had a marvelous voice, full of cheerful light, and still somehow lulling me.

"I'm getting ahead of myself," he apologized, extending a hand to me. "My name is Lucifer." Next to me, I could see he was rather small, but I was unbothered, fixed on that charming smile. Adam never looked like that. He mostly sulked and complained that I wasn't paying attention to him. There wasn't much to do in the garden anyway. All we ever did was walk around, eat fruit, sleep, and sometimes he would take my body.

"Lucifer." I repeated, tasting the name on my tongue. He gave another radiating smile and gently took my hand.

"That's right. What can I call you?" He asked earnestly.

Disobedience (Hazbin Lucifer lemon)Where stories live. Discover now