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               I tore my arm from Adam's grip and pushed him away from me, glaring daggers at his loathsome face. He looked down at where I pushed him, and dusted himself off, giving a venomous look in return.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Lillith?" His tone set warning bells spiraling off into my head. He stepped forward as I stepped back defiantly.

"It's called free will, you fucking dick." I ground out. "I'm getting as far away from you as I can go. Because I want to. Because I choose to. And if you think I can't I'll claw your eyes out and spit on your corpse." His look of utter and complete shock almost made me laugh maniacally.

"What the fuck is free will? Are you so fucking dumb you're just making up words now?" He mocked. I felt heat rising in my cheeks.

"I wouldn't expect anyone as brainless as you to understand." I countered, rolling my eyes. He snorted incredulously, waving off my words of defiance.

"Brainless? You're the dickwad making up words, the rest of us are just sane. You belong to me. Come here, like the good little fucking wife you're supposed to be, sit your ass down, and open your fucking legs. Your little stunt stressed me the fuck out, and you've got to make it up to me." He lunged towards me to try and pin me down, and I kicked him right in his dick, which crumpled on impact alongside him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? FUCKING CUNT, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOUR FUCKING BITCH ASS!" I kicked him again, in the stomach, cutting off his breath as he started coughing and gasping, looking at me with pure utter loathing.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch me." I hissed, kicking him one more time in the shoulder before stalking away angrily. I left his whining, sobbing form behind me and began to wander into the forest blindly. Anger was clouding my vision, and to my surprise, more tears were flowing. I didn't feel any of that "sad" from before. It was pure stormy loathing that roiled in my chest and clenched my heart so hard it burned. My fingernails bit into my palms as I kept them clenched in cautious fists, wary of my surroundings in case he followed in vengeance. I wanted to will my entire body as far away as possible from the repulsive creature that was my former husband. The fact that I even thought we were required to be together, and that I was expected to love and cherish him made bile rise in my throat. Love him? Give my body and soul to him? I realized I'd rather be alone forever. I wandered deeper into the darker parts of Eden, even further than where I had met Lucifer. I was terribly blind, and had not been in these areas before. I was starting to be a little fearful of the unfamiliar surroundings. The trees seemed to loom, and I was unaware of whether or not I was still in the restrictions of Eden we were allowed to roam. The trees and the air seemed to get darker and thick with something unexplainably terrible. A type of strange darkness that I didn't really know was right or wrong. Abruptly, as if I teleported, I broke through a dim stretch of brush and stumbled into a clearing that seemed to glare at me with intense light. An apple tree stood next to a clear pond, almost glimmering in the eye-watering sunlight. It was as if the light in the area had expanded tenfold, amplifying the already bright sun. As my eyes adjusted, I took in the sight of a breathlessly gorgeous oasis. There were few animals, but an abundance of natural fruits and vegetables scattered around the apple tree, which was clearly the centerpiece of the beautiful clearing.

I walked up to the tree, observing a few oddities. First, the tree was laden with blossoms, buds, and fully grown apples, ripe and bursting with redness, which shouldn't have been possible. Apples needed to grow in a cycle, yet somehow every single step of the cycle was present in the branches. The trunk was warm, and the air seemed to be filled with an intoxicating scent of apples. I wandered around the grove, admiring the vibrant colors and the iridescent fruit. The regular fruit groves scattered around didn't have the same phenomenon that the apple tree showed, but all of them were full of ripened fruit of all different seasons, which was still somehow impossible. They were beautiful and seemed juicy and fat with flavor, and still somehow, they seemed dull next to the apples in the tree, which seemed to ooze temptation. I settled next to some blueberries, tasting them hesitantly, finding them to be exquisitely juicy and with a pleasurable tang. A banana tree and some raspberries had the same result. Every piece of fruit I tried seemed to taste better and better, an obvious build to the taste of the apples. I eyed the apple tree, trying to decide if I should try one of the apples, before a rustling noise behind me startled me. In fear, I turned around, hesitant to see my loathsome husband. I was greeted by a much more welcoming sight with a familiar, wide grin.

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