Chapter Four

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Luke's POVI woke up with Char on my chest, I smiled to myself at what happened last night, I do like Char it's just I don't know how to ask her out and plus I won't be a good boyfriend anyway, I'm fine with our arrangement now where we have fun to...

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Luke's POV
I woke up with Char on my chest, I smiled to myself at what happened last night, I do like Char it's just I don't know how to ask her out and plus I won't be a good boyfriend anyway, I'm fine with our arrangement now where we have fun together when we both want it and our friendship doesn't go bad either, I lifted Char off me and she laid on her back, I got out of bed and put my boxers on and joggers, I walked downstairs, mum had made breakfast and Jai, Beau and Candy were there, I sat down

"So Luke you and Charlie" Candy said smirking, I blushed and just got my plate of food

"So Candy you and Jai" I said looking up, she blushed and Jai was smiling away Candy noticed and whacked him he grabbed her and pulled her on his lap, Char walked in wearing my top, she slightly smiled at me and sat beside me, mum put food in front of her and a drink they hugged

"Hello Charlie" mum said

"Hello Gina, how are you?" Char asked

"I'm good, how about you?" Mum asked

"I'm okay," Char said and ate her food.

I walked into my room and Char had changed into her clothes from last night she slightly smiled at me

"I've got to go," she said and walked past me walked down behind her and stood outside with her, she called a taxi, when it turned up she walked down the drive

"Char!" I shouted and jogged over to her, I kissed her lips, she pulled away and smiled at me

"What was that for?" She asked smiling

"No reason" I shrugged shoving my hands in my pockets smiling, she shook her head

"Bye Luke," she said and got in the car

"Bye char," I said and closed the door for her the taxi drove off, I walked inside and started to watch some TV with Beau and Jai.

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