Chapter 13: Shadepaw's POV

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Shadepaw lay awake in her nest. It was about midnight, and she couldn't sleep. She looked over at Littleshine, who was fast asleep. She tossed and turned in her nest, trying to sleep. She stood up and ate a few poppy seeds.

'Let's hope this helps me sleep' her mind grumbled. As she headed back to her nest, she heard some cat hissing at someone else.

"Hurry up furball," the first voice hissed. Shadepaw pressed herself up against the wall beside the opening to the medicine cave. She peered out carefully, seeing Emberclaw leading Tallshadow and Winterpaw out of camp.

'What's Winterpaw doing with them?' Shadepaw followed the cats. They seemed to know what they were doing. The cats lead themselves to the Meeting Trees, looking around before slipping into the LogPile.

Shadepaw leaped over to the Pile and peered into the opening. There were about 8 other cats in there, not including the DarkClan cats. There were four cats that looked like they were from LightClan, and four from BorderClan. She knew they were BorderClan because of how incredibly skinny they were.

Emberclaw spoke up, "It's good to be here again, RebelClan. Sadly, Icetuft won't be attending this meeting." A red tom, a BorderClan cat, chimed in, "Fern knows about our meetings and will attend them next time."

Emberclaw nodded. "Very well. Isn't he your apprentice, Crimson?" Crimson nodded silently, as if he was in fear of Emberclaw. The DarkClan warrior looked over to Winterpaw, "We have a new member with us, becoming a warrior tomorrow at sun-high."

The cats muttered in congratulations, and a LightClan cat spoke, "Any news from you, Tallshadow?" The deputy nodded, "My apprentice has been given to some other cat. I don't have to deal with her anymore."

One of the cats from LightClan, a young silver she-cat, dipped her head. "How many moons is she now?" She asked.

"She's about 8 moons now," The deputy replied. It was just then when Shadepaw realized who the silver she-cat was.

It was Riverpaw.

Dread flooded over her as a BorderClan cat sniffed the air. "Someone else is here," he hissed. Shadepaw bolted off into the forest, running back to camp as fast as she could. The poppy seeds she took earlier took control and made her feel tired.

She looked around camp, and headed into the wide opening in the Medicine Den. She curled up into her nest, thinking about everything she just heard.

RebelClan was a gathering of Clan cats that want to start trouble in the Clans, and if that was right, only StarClan knows what Emberclaw and the other cats would do. Shadepaw closed her eyes and tried to drift off into sleep, unable to shake the thought of the rebel cats.

Why would Emberclaw, a great, powerful warrior, want to start a group of cats just to gossip about who knows what? Just as she had that thought, she heard the voice of Emberclaw talking to Winterpaw.

"Now that your an official member of RebelClan, you must tell no one about us," He hissed. Winterpaw replied, "I promise I won't tell anyone about this!"

Everything went silent, then there were pawsteps coming towards the Medicine Den. Emberclaw's pine-scent filled the den, and then left as quickly as it arrived.

Did he suspect her? Did he see her? Did he look in to check if she was here?

Shadepaw tried to shake off what she saw, but with no success. She hoped that she would fall asleep and would forget about it in the morning, but seriously doubted it.

Emberclaw's pawsteps headed away from the den, his pine-scent following him. The rest of the night was silent. Shadepaw was awake for several more hours, before finally feeling tired and drifting off into a sleep.

She still hoped that she'd wake up and all this nonsense about RebelClan would be a dream, but the chances of that happening were slim and, well, sort of stupid. 

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