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The crib clad in gold and red rocked gently as an infant's little giggles echoed in the large, silent room. She reached out and held on to a toy that jingled itself above her, shaking it with all her small might.

A soft hum stopped the girl's action as a gloved hand raised it's index finger, bringing it closer to a pair of lips in a hushing motion.

"Shh... Little Charlotte, you wouldn't want your parents to know I'm here, would you?"

The infant, now known as Charlotte, shifted her large eyes onto the seemingly glowing woman who sat on the window sill beside her crib. She gave a toothless smile and giggled quietly, as if understanding the woman's words.

The woman smiled, tucking her lilac hair that fell stray behind her ear. She observed Charlotte's face and giggled softly.

"You have your father's..," she paused and smiled gently. "..everything. I don't know about the hooves though. Let's just hope you get your mother's height."

Soon enough, echoes of footsteps resonated within the floor, alerting the woman. Quickly, she put on a black mask with sheep-like horns which seemed to have its own facial expressions that imitated her own. She grazed her hand on Charlotte's cheek affectionately, a white, glowing smile reflecting on the black mask.

"Goodbye for now, Little Charlotte. Aunty Sol will be back next year."

Charlotte giggled quietly.

With that, Soleil gathered her spear before slipping off the window sill quietly, and flew away, leaving no trace of her existence behind.

A few seconds of silence flew by when the door opened loudly with a dramatic flare.

"Char-Char! Daddy's here!"

Out came the King of Hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar, who practically skipped over to the crib with a huge, beaming smile. He threw his overcoat and hat to a chair near the crib, his blonde hair becoming disheveled without the confines of his large and admittedly tacky hat.

With a soft coo, Lucifer picked up Charlotte with the gentlest of touch that strongly contradicted his title of being Hell's ruler. His red eyes sparkled with love and adoration. "How's my little Charlie doing, hmm? Had fun, yeah? No? Oh, you must've been lonely without mummy and daddy here, huh? Sorry daddy wasn't with you sooner, sweetie. No poopies yet?" He nuzzled his nose onto hers with a chuckle, and only then did he feel a small breeze of wind seeping through the room. Turning towards the window, he hummed thoughtfully before shrugging and continuing to play with Charlotte.

"Must've forgotten to close it..."

Not an x reader!

Good days, Happy Valentine's Day and happy reading~

Into The Hands of A Fallen Angel (Lucifer X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora