Chapter One: Soleil Azra

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"Sol, Let's grab some dinner! Been a while since we did that, yeah?"

Soleil walked through Heaven's streets with a deadpan expression as Adam's loud voice was heard just a few steps behind her. She sighed quietly and without looking back at him, she spoke in a firm tone.

"Please sir, I'd prefer to be called by my real name. And I would rather like to remain on professional grounds with you, especially when we're outside." It was fairly a polite way to refuse his invitation but of course, Adam wouldn't have it unless it was said directly in front of his face.

He had kept pestering her until she reached her quite small but cozy apartment.

Adam sighed loudly in exasperation and crossed his arms, almost like he was receiving an unfair treatment. "I still don't understand why you don't wanna live in an actual house. I mean, you're practically older than me and Earth!" He grumbled out loud. C'mon, even Lute lived in a house.

Even if she wasn't that compatible with him, of course, it doesn't mean that she and Adam were on particularly bad terms despite her moments of annoyance with him. And what he said wasn't really an exaggeration if you think about it.

While it took her a while to accept it, she considered him as a dear friend of hers. Even if he asks her out on dates as a joke.

"It'll be a lonely house if I ever do decide to live in one."

She hummed and invited him over for tea. After all, it would be rude to have anyone who you just talked to be dismissed right in front of your doorstep.

Adam sipped quite loudly, possibly to annoy his ever so polite host. Whatever, Soleil was used to his antics already that at this point, every rude thing he did within her vicinity her mind just blurs it all out.

"Where is Lute, by the way?" Soleil asked with her hands on her lap, sitting on the couch in front of Adam.

Adam groaned audibly and rolled his eyes, crossing his legs as he sat the teacup down with a bit more of a manner than Soleil expected him to.

"Ugh, probably tending to her sword. She loves that thing to death."

Soleil hummed and closed her eyes and tended to her own beverage.

"Always the bloodthirsty one, isn't she?"

Again, Adam rolled his eyes. He couldn't agree more but...

"It's above the normal amount but you?"

Soleil opened her eyes and directed them towards the man, narrowing them as if prompting him to say more.

"What about me, sir?"

The look she gave him made Adam hesitate a bit. He sometimes forgets the current power dynamic they have until she calls him "sir".

"You.. you're quite the pacifist," Adam answered with a quieter voice as he furrowed his brows. "This is why you and Danger Tits don't get along. I've asked you this a lot of times but humor me once, will ya? Why did you even sign up to be in my army? Like really? I doubt it's cuz you wanna kill some sinners or some other bullshit lies ya told me. You don't even kill sinners, what the fuck?!"

A soft smile graced Soleil's face, looking almost dreamy, as her pure white wings fluttered slightly on her sides. It disgusted Adam to see her looking all mushy when she's normally so stoic and a bit uptight when it comes to him.

Adam groaned and rubbed his index and middle fingers on his temples, trying to calm the cringe he wore on his face.

"What's with the smile, bitch? You hardly do that with me, c'mon now, you can't fool me. It's because of that fallen angel, isn't it?"

Perhaps she underestimated Adam's perception skills quite a bit. Or she had underestimated the time they had spent together. Nonetheless, it doesn't really matter to her.

She hummed and shrugged, feigning innocence as she leaned her back to the couch's backrest. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away, trying to look disinterested yet the small smile on her face already gave her away.

"Whatever do you mean, dear sir? I know of no fallen angel." She chuckled quietly, not interested in the slightest with Adam's annoyed expression at her obvious lie. "And even if I did, you wouldn't throw me out of heaven like you and Lute did with dear Vaggie, would you, Adam?"

At the use of his real name, Adam was stupefied. He slumped on his chair with a pout a grown man shouldn't have.

"No... And c'mon gimme a break here. I only knew about Vaggie after Lute did the job...," he complained quietly, shrinking under Soleil's unimpressed gaze, not wanting to be blamed for the exterminator's bloodlust. He could still remember the confident smile the woman wore when she reported to him that she banished an angel to hell while Soleil suppressed a glare and simply went for a harsh eye roll and a pointed stare at Adam.

Aside from Lute, the only other female he could tolerate and be friendly with was Soleil. He had known her since he had first ascended into heaven, being the one to guide him to God when he died and all that. She was his teacher and his first friend. Of course he wouldn't throw her out. Being an angel with such a high position allowed him get away unscathed and unfounded with a few secrets that should be considered a bit problematic or controversial. He had his favourites and he was confident no one would dare approach to reprimand him about it.

Soleil gave him a grateful smile, a rather genuine one he could even say.

"What's so great about that guy, even? He's fuckin' tiny!" Adam complained but closed his mouth and corrected himself when he saw Soleil's deadpan expression. "Yes, I mean for a man. Your height is perfect."

"Thank you."

From Adam's memory of the fallen angel alone, Soleil and him were actually the same height. And fuck did he just insult the damned fallen's height in front of Soleil.

"But what does he have that I don't?!" He continued to complain, groaning. Being left by two wives for the same man must've dealt some serious damage on his ego.

The first and obvious thought that came to Soleil's mind was the three pairs of wings.

Soleil resisted the urge to answer, knowing Adam will just pout about it all day if she did. Instead, she just gave a thoughtful hum that was enough to sate Adam's need for a response. Even as she poured him a much needed drink, he still complained after he thanked her briefly about all the fallen angel's flaws he could spout with his now drunken stupor, which prompted Soleil to prepare a bunch of pillows and two blankets.

Adam was a bit on the warmer side and didn't like being cold too often, hence his thicker clothing and robes.

"Are you drunk?"

"NoOooO..!" Adam basically slurred out in an offended tone as he looked at Soleil with swirling eyes and a red face.

"That's a yes. You're sleeping here for tonight. On the couch. I'm texting Lute to come pick you up tomorrow when you're done with the hangover."

She just hoped that Lute's visit wouldn't be too much of a problem to make tomorrow a bad day.


In Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer was probably originally a Seraph before he fell because he has the same three pairs of wings similar to Emily and Sera. However, I of course did some research and found that some sites say that he was a Cherub or an Archangel or even just a normal angel which is considerably quite the large difference in terms of angel hierarchy.

While I will most definitely use Hazbin Hotel's canon facts, I just want to also share some of the research I did for fun. Also, I referenced some of Soleil Azra's job and name from Archangel Azrael. You can search him/it up if y'all want to.

Good days and happy reading!

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