Chapter Three: Confusing Friendships in Heaven

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Twenty minutes prior to when the exterminators went back up to heaven:

"Uh.. ahem..."

It had already been a few minutes after that occurrence yet Lucifer's bewildered eyes remained on the empty space before him even after the purple-haired angel flew away in a blink of an eye.

What was she doing here? Why wasn't she with the other exterminators? She wore the exterminators' uniform, right? Why didn't she attack him when he saw her? Wait, fuck, that's stupid. Of course she wouldn't attack him. He's the King of Hell for fuck's sake. But did she even know that without looking at him? She must've since she's sitting on his mansion's roof. What was she even doing here? Okay, wait, he already asked that question firsthand. Why wasn't she killing sinners--

With a harsh smack of his palms against his cheeks, Lucifer blinked out of his zone before straightening his back and breathing out to regain his lost composure. He had been so shell shocked that he didn't even notice something laying on the roof until it glinted.

Lucifer squinted his eyes and picked it up, now identifying it as an exterminators' mask. He twisted and turned it around in all angles, silently studying its swirly sheep-like horns. It's horns covered where the mask's eyes should be, he observed with a scrunched forehead curious and confused. How can that angel even see in this? Only the mouth part was visible. It's not really practical for killing or fighting or anything.

Normally, he would've thrown out things that obviously belonged to an angel. He's done so already with their stray striped feathers that found themselves just by his mansion. Now that he thought about it, the angel's wings didn't seem to have any sort of pattern when he looked at it from the back. Maybe it's pattern was on the front? Anyway, the mask was just too interesting to look at to throw it out.

Maybe he could make this a reference for his new rubber duck..?

His excitement towards a new rubber duck invention was then snatched away by the sound of a circus theme that played from his pocket. He sighed, picking it up and answering in a monotone as he saw the called's ID.

"Yes? A meeting? I'm pretty sure my uh.. daughter.. can handle it."

"Soleil, please tell me this isn't your blood..."

"Miss Emily, you are not going to like my response if you say that."

The seraphim sighed, glaring down softly at Soleil who looked away with a small pout.

They were at Emily's room as Emily dragged Soleil after seeing her at the street, covered in blood. Now Soleil was stuck here as she can't really seem to refuse the kind seraphim's "offer" to treat her wounds.

"I tripped on broken glass from Adam's training," she lied half-heartedly, unresponsive to the stinging pain as Emily applied ointment on her throat.

While angels do regenerate faster than other beings, Emily still didn't like seeing blood all that much.

Emily huffed and frowned, crossing her arms over her chest after putting down the ointment on the table. "You're always so clumsy. Maybe.. military just isn't for you?" She added softly, furrowing her brows in concern at Soleil's indifference towards her own safety.

"If not for the military, I wouldn't have anything to live for. I could be rotting in my room for all I care."

It was partly the truth. She technically wasn't lying to the younger angel. And as far as she's concerned, it's not really any of Emily's business. Controversial secrets can still be kept up in heaven as long as it remained a secret.

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