Chapter Four: Not So Little Charlotte

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Sassy depressed King <3

As far as Adam knew, Soleil never really got angry with him. While she may have shown some irritation, frustration, and annoyance towards him, she never really got to the point of actually being angry at Adam. Or anyone for that matter.


"Shut it."

Adam was the first man God created as well as the first man that ever angered Soleil. And fucking hell, even with just the mouth visible on her LED mask, the frown forming there was something Adam shivered at.

"Ugh, come on, I'm sorry! They didn't tell us until just now that his daughter will be attending instead of the damned fucker himself!"

"Fuck off."

"Sir, I suggest letting her have her temper tantrum."

Soleil rolled her eyes and ignored the two, unmoving from her parade rest position like Lute as she refused to even look at the first man God ever made. She had prepared her heart solely for this even if they were only holograms for the time being, only for the King to not even show up. Even if she wasn't even planning on talking to the King, she still wanted to see him!

Okay, maybe it was a bit unfair of her to be angry with Adam when he himself actually didn't know that Lucifer wouldn't be attending. She could've been angry at Lucifer himself! Okay, again, not fair. He didn't really owe her anything. Maybe she should be angry at Sera? For not informing them earlier? Yeah. Seems about right. Fucking Sera.

With a sigh, she cleared out the anger from her mind. On the bright side, she gets to meet with her niece, albeit self-proclaimed. She wondered how she looks or how she's doing right now.

"Even so, passing on his "Kingly" responsibilities to his daughter is a bit of a pussy move, isn't it?"

Soleil thought about it and honestly? Yeah. She could agree that Lucifer was indeed neglecting his duties as the ruler of Hell.

A hum and a nod of agreement came from Soleil.

"See? Even Sol agrees! What important bullshit is that coward even doing right now?"

While Soleil actually agrees with him on this, it still obviously bothers her when he's dissing the King himself. How hard was it for Adam to word it out nicely? She sighed a bit and shook her head at him. But she actually had a good guess on what he's doing based on her observations of the state of his room and she wasn't planning on snitching to Adam of course. Lucifer's had enough dissing from the man.

Adam felt Soleil's silence grow, making him close his mouth, pout and cross his arms as he slumped on his chair. If he can't diss her crush vocally, he'd do it mentally. Cuz seriously, what does she even see in him? Adam's a lot taller by comparison! Not that Adam wanted Soleil for himself, he's just stating it as a fact. I mean, c'mon, she could've picked anyone! Why Lucifer?! Fuckin' short dick who probably can't even eat pussy right. Adam rolled his eyes and groaned loudly, as if exhaling the thoughts out would do the trick.

Almost as if sensing Sol's growing irritation towards his obvious inner complaining, Adam finally just made a poker face and sat with his hands clasped on the table.

Finally, a golden scroll appeared in front of them with a little "poof", signed by "Charlie Morningstar".

Soleil furrowed her brows.

Charlie is a nickname, right? Why didn't she use her real name? Soleil shook her head to dismiss her thoughts and turned to Adam with a blank expression.

"I'll escort the Princess here, Sir."

Adam raised an unamused brow at her. It was obvious to him that she's just curious about the daughter of her crush. With a defeated sigh, he waved her off.

"Go 'head."

With a thankful and respectful bow to her commander, she exited and let out a small, excited smile once she shut the door.

How was she? How long has it been? Almost a hundred and ninety years? How does she look like now? Is she tall like her mother? Or on the shorter side like her father? Soleil forced her smile down and walked through the hallway and there she was in all her red glory.

Soleil exhaled silently and observed the princess clad in bright red who looked lost as she wandered aimlessly.

With a small cough, Soleil gained Charlie's attention.

"Princess Morningstar," she greeted with a firm voice and a nod which made Charlie turn to look at her.

Oh, she looks just like her father... Soleil almost cooed out loud.

With a nervous wave and smile, Soleil noticed the more humanoid teeth from Charlie that her father didn't have. Must have gotten it from her mother.

"Follow me."

She turned and walked ahead, maintaining five meters of distance from the flustered princess who followed her with a hesitant step. Even without turning back, she can hear the girl's shuffling. It was obvious the princess felt so out of place in this building covered in gold and white. And the clear suspicion she's emitting towards Soleil was understandable honestly, so Soleil wasn't really bothered by it. Charlie probably didn't expect one of the exterminators to go and escort her to the meeting.

"Is the.. is the person I'm talking to uh.. easy to talk to..?" Charlie's nervous voice broke the silence as they walked back to the room.

Soleil took a moment to carefully consider her words.

"Easy or not, you should still try your best, Princess."

She should be careful to not expose herself to Charlie of her yearly habit of secretly visiting the Morningstar mansion because other than it being generally creepy and stalker-ish of her, it'd probably do more harm than good.

As they finally reached the doors to the meeting room, Soleil turned around and spoke, surprising Charlie a bit.

"We're here."

Before she could open the door, a hand placed itself on her shoulder, stopping her.

"E-Excuse me, but.. you seem familiar..? Do I know you-rather, what's your name?" Charlie stuttered out, unsure.

Soleil stared at Charlie's hand and sighed, gently taking it and setting it back to Charlie's side, disregarding her slight surprise. Soleil didn't expect her to remember her when she was still a child after all.

"Princess Morningstar, I'm afraid we have not met yet until today. As for my name, it does not matter. Now, please," she paused, opening the door and stepping aside to let Charlie in. "Let's get on with the meeting."

Charlie frowned but nodded, still skeptic about Soleil's words. With a small cough, she straightened her back and decided to think about it later after the meeting she was granted by her father. She was sure she had already met this lady before. From where and when, she doesn't know. All she knew was that the voice was eerily familiar to her.

"Thank you for escorting me here, Miss Exterminator."

"Don't mention it."

How Soleil sees under her mask's horns? Don't know don't care. It's cartoon. And magic exists there so I'm pretty sure it's not that unrealistic LMAO. I just know some of y'all are already gonna ask if you haven't yet in the earlier chapters. It's really just for the sake of character design~

Good days and happy reading!

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