Chapter 5

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"We still have work to do." Reni groaned as she sank down on the couch.

"It's early." Deloris joined her in the common area and plopped into a chair. "The night has hardly begun."

"I'm a morning person."

"We'll have to change that, won't we." Deloris giggled as she flicked open her laptop. "Let's get writing."
"It's cruel that they ply you with great food and drink and then expect you to be productive."

"Don't they say that writers need to face hardship and despair to produce their best work? Maybe they're trying to simulate that for us."

"Let me know if that works for you. I'm not sure I'm feeling it." Reni opened her laptop and drew it onto her lap. Here goes nothing."

The struggle to work on her story was all too real. Her glass of wine sat untouched as frustration mounted. The assignment, rewrite the first page of her manuscript in different ways, proceeded in rushed starts and long halts.

Deloris could not sit still. She made trips to the fridge for beer and snacks, excursions to the bathroom, and calls to her friends. Finally, she plopped on the couch beside Reni, beer in hand. "How's the story going?"

"Horribly," Reni grumped. "Why aren't you working on yours?"

"I'll do it later. Let's get to the good stuff. Were you sad Zak wasn't at your beck and call during the reception? You feeling the tingles? Are you in love with your mystery man yet?"

Reni's mouth gaped like a fish out of water. She took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair. "Who are you? I have a story to work on, remember."

She stalled for time, never having been asked such a personal and rather ridiculous question point-blank by a practical stranger.

For a moment, her stare was as empty as her mind. Back home her mother might casually inquire if she was seeing anyone; even her classes of middle schoolers always joked about the lack of a boyfriend every Valentine's Day, but this seemed more than a little invasive.

There was no stopping Deloris. The older woman prodded. "Do you have a boyfriend back home who's in competition? A gorgeous, talented woman like yourself must have the men flocking."

"You're overestimating my talents, but I appreciate the compliment." She laughed uneasily. "No one at home. And I'm not in love. I just met the man."

"Not in love−yet." Deloris took a sip of beer, staring the other woman down. "Where is home exactly, dear?"

"Chincoteague, Virginia."

"That's nice. Isn't that where the wild horses are?"

"They are beautiful to see. I've watched the yearly roundup a couple of times too.

"You're lucky you didn't have to travel too far. No one worth seeing there?"

Staring at the screen, words blurred before her eyes. "Not really."

"Why not?"

Reni's head popped up, but an answer eluded her. The silence built between them before she caved and spoke. "It's not a priority. I have my job as a teacher, a great family, a lovely condo. I'm writing a book. My life is full."

Deloris gave her a sideways glance. "You need to make it a priority with that one from lunch."

"I just met him. Are you a matchmaker in Montana?"

The older woman's laugh turned deep and hearty. "No, but he seems very sweet. Plus, I'm sure your parents want grandkids."

"I'm not that old." The bracelet charms chimed as she raked her hand through chestnut curls. "Plenty of time for that. There's also the little fact that he's from another country."

"It's only a plane ride away. You'd be surprised how quick it all goes."

"How quick what goes?"

"Life, dear heart. This comes from the heart." Deloris shifted in her seat. "Don't let the important stuff get away from you."

"I might want to go for my administrator's certificate or even a PhD before kids."

"You could do both. No laws saying you can't have a boyfriend and go to school."

"I love my life as it is. I have cats for company. I'd happily be known as the cat lady when I get old." She shrugged. "They can make memes of me surrounded by cats. Sitting cats. Standing cats. Cats of all colors. I see a huge sponsorship with Chewy in my future."

Deloris's smile was pure smut. "A cat doesn't fill the nights the way a good man can."

"Do we have to talk about this? My story isn't rewriting itself." Reni let frustration leak into her words.

The older woman stood and stretched, cracking her back. She took a last swig from her beer bottle. Her sharp hazel eyes focused on the younger woman. "You have to have kids. Your parents had you, so you have grandkids for them. That's how the cycle works. Don't disappoint them. My grand babes are my pride and joy." She eyed the empty bottle in her hand. "I need a refill. The fridge is full if you want one."

"Thanks, but I'm good with the wine. I'll work on this a little more before I call it a night."

"I'm calling the husband before I start work on my story. I doubt I'll sleep much anyway on the flimsy mattresses." Deloris opened the fridge and grabbed another bottle. "See you in the morning. Think about what I said."

Reni nodded before turning back to the story. Time dripped away like a slow, constant faucet leak and she worked late into the night.

"Damn, this is tough." The witching hour came and went by the time she slapped the laptop shut. She stood, planning to knock on Deloris' door and say good night but heard hearty snores from inside.

That's when she heard the gentle tap against her outer door.

It couldn't be Zak could it? She listened, and there another tap sounded.

She opened the door, heart pounding.

Frank, from her morning session stood there. "Sorry to interrupt but saw the light under your door and wondered if Deloris was up."

"Sorry, she's asleep."

"Damn." Frank eyed the ground and then met her gaze. "There's always tomorrow. Have a good night."

"You too."

What was that about? Reni wondered. Deloris was not only a matchmaker but a heartbreaker.

Returning to her room, she slipped into pajamas, brushed teeth, and got into bed. Her backside hit metal springs. Deloris had been right about the uncomfortable plastic mattress.

Fluffing her pillow, she rested her head and waited for sleep to overtake her. That didn't happen. Instead, the day kept replaying, the conversation with Zak the focus.

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