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My alarm clock rings and I get up. I stretch out and I take my phone to look at the notifications I received during the night. I notice a long message from an unknown number. I open the message to read it :

"Hey, Dixie. I read your letter. I kept reading it, to be honest. It touched me a lot and I cried. I'm sorry for everything that happened to you and it hurt to know that you suffered so much. You didn't deserve it at all and you don't deserve any harm. Knowing that I helped you is a great honor to me. You knew how to stay strong and you knew how to be brave, even if it seemed impossible for you. I appreciate that, because I wouldn't imagine losing such a loyal fan. You are always there and it relieves me to a point, you cannot imagine. The fact that you confided in me, without even having met before, shows me how much you care about me and how important I am to you. When I saw you at the Monaco GP, I saw that something was wrong and I saw that you were trying to hide it. I hurried down so I could take you in my arms, for I saw you needed it. When you gave me the letter, I wondered what was written in it. I didn't regret reading it at all. I hope you'll come to another GP. I want to see you again, not only when it's a GP weekend. I want to make sure everything is okay. I would love to hug you and tell you that everything is fine. Know that I am proud of you and that you can count on me. Call me when you read this message, okay ? Time doesn't matter.

Lewis, xx"

I cry when I read his message. I save his number on my phone. I call him and it rings several times but no answer. I sigh and I blame myself because he must be sleeping and I do not want to wake him up. I get up to take a shower, but my phone starts ringing. It's Lewis. I pick up.

"Dixie ?" - Lewis asks

I have a lump in my throat when I hear his voice. I hold back from crying.

"Dixie, everything's okay ?" - Lewis asks again

I hear concern in his voice.

"I'm here." - I say

"Are you okay ?"

I start to cry again.

"I don't know, Lewis. What about you ?" - I say

"Tell me." - Lewis replies

"I woke up five minutes ago and I read your message. It made me feel better and to be honest, I want a hug from you. Your hugs at the fan zone helped me."

"We'll meet again, Dixie. I promise."

"Thanks, Lewis."

"Where are you right now ?" Lewis asks

"I'm in Nice, but my airplane leaves at 2:50 pm." - I reply

"You come back to New Zealand ?"

"No. I'm going to Egypt for work."

"Be careful, okay ?"


"Text me when you're over there, please."

"I will, Lewis."

"Thank you, Dixie."

"Lewis ?" - I ask

"Yes ?" - Lewis replies

"I'll try to go to a GP with my little brother and my mother."

"I'll be so happy to meet them !"

I smile thinking about their reactions seeing Lewis.

"Which GP are you coming to ?"- Lewis asks

"I don't know yet because I'll stay in Egypt for two weeks and I told my brother I'll come back when I'm done with my work." - I reply

"There is the Spanish GP the weekend of the 21st June."

"I'll probably make a surprise for them. I'll keep you in the loop."

"Great  !"

"I must hang up Lewis, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Dixie. Be careful please !"

"I will. You too please."

"I also will."

We hang up and I take a shower. I text my brother and my mother to tell them not to plan anything for the weekend of June 21. An extra gift for them. I already book our plane tickets to Spain, then our train tickets to go to the circuit. I still book two hotel rooms: one for me and another for my brother and my mother.

I give my room key back to the receptionist. I walk to the airport listening to music. I can't wait to arrive in Egypt. I talked to Lewis again. I keep rereading his message. He's not my idol for nothing. I put my suitcase in the hold and I go to the plane to board. I enter it and sit on my seat, next to the window. I tell Lewis and Louise that I will send them a message only when I arrive at my hotel in Egypt. I put my phone in airplane mode and I put it in the pocket of my jacket.

I'm in Zurich and I'm at the hotel because my second flight is tomorrow at 11:05 am. I can't wait to work over there with my team. Louise called me, we talked for ten minutes. She had to hang up because she had to go back to work. I leave the hotel and I visit the city. I also take pictures. I put some in my Instagram story. I'll send pictures to my mother and brother tonight because it's 3:30 in the morning in New Zealand. I haven't heard from Lewis today. He must be busy, but I hope he's okay. I think the city is really pretty.

I'm back at the hotel. I walked a lot but I enjoyed visiting Zurich. Louise calls me again and this time we talk for two hours. I show her the pictures and she looks amazed. I told her about Lewis. She's too happy for me. She also told me that she was sure there would be something between me and Lewis but I told her that there was no possibility because he is my idol. Louise told me it was not impossible. I know very well how it will end if one day I fall in love with him, he will not want me. And even then, I don't want to fall in love anymore because I suffered too much in love. My last relationship was toxic and it ended badly. My other relationships ended badly too. I don't want it to happen again.

I sigh and listen to music. I look at Instagram posts. There's nothing interesting.  I turn the TV on to watch a movie. My phone rings but I don't answer. I don't even look at who it is. I need to be alone and to find myself before I work. I hear my phone ringing a second time. I grumble and look at who's calling me. I see it's Lewis and he's calling me on Face Time. A smile appears on his face when I pick up. My heart missed a beat before beating quickly.

"Heyyy you !" - Lewis says

"Hey Lewis." I reply

"You don't feel well, do you ?"

I shrug my shoulders and he looks at me like "tell me what's wrong".

"I feel lonely and I miss the atmosphere of a GP." - I say

"It's okay to feel like this. You'll go to a GP again, Dixie and we'll see each other again." - Lewis replies

I smile when I hear him say we'll see each other again. He can make me smile and laugh when I'm not well. I listen to him talking about the F1 season and he also talks about Brazil. I know how much he loves this country and I see it when he talks about it. Like me with Egypt. He has stars in his eyes when he talks about F1 and Brazil. Seeing him happy makes me happy because that's all that matters to me.

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