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I finally finished my two weeks of work. I just have a week and a half of vacation before I go back to work. I arrived in Dubai last night. I hope Lewis is back from his night. I'm waiting for my second airplane to Wellington. I can't wait to see my mother and brother. I finally get on the airplane and sit by the window. Two elderly women sit next to me. I put my bag between my feet so that one of the ladies could sit in her seat. I take my book from my bag and I continue to read it quietly while listening to music. My brother plays football and he has a match tonight. I'll be there before it starts. It's a surprise because he doesn't know I'll be there for his match. It's an important match for him and I know he would like me to be there.

I arrived at the Wellington airport. I got off the plane and got my things before I go to my car. I am exhausted but I am so happy and impatient to see my family that I don't fall asleep. I put my suitcase in the trunk and my bag in the passenger seat. I start the car and drive home.

I get to my mom's and I see she's not there. Her car isn't parked in front of the garage. She had to take Tony to the match. That's perfect! I hurry out of the car with my stuff and go straight into the house. I quickly take a shower and get ready for the match. I grab my cap with my brother's number of player. I take a piece of cardboard and a marker. I write on the cardboard: "C'mon Tony, you can do it!"

I leave the house with my piece of cardboard under my arm and head for the football field. I smile when I see my mother's car. My mother is not far from me and I decide to join her. I put a hand on her shoulder and when she sees me, she cries with joy. I show her my sign and she proposes to hold it with me when the match begins.

"Tony doesn't know you're here." - My mother says

"That's the surprise." - I reply

"When did you arrive ?"

"15 minutes ago, I had the time to take a shower and to change clothes."

My mom smiles and the match starts. I see my brother. He's focused on the match. The referee whistles for the start of the match. The opposing team has the advantage, but my brother's team still manages to defend itself. My mother and I shake the sign to support my brother. Other parents smile when they see our sign.

I get upset when I see an opponent tackle my brother. I still stay calm because I don't want to get upset in front of the parents.

It's half time so we're waiting for the players to come back. Tony still hasn't seen me. The opponents scored two goals and my brother scored a goal. I would like to go see him but I prefer to leave him with his team and the coach. A few minutes later, I see them coming out. I see that Tony's eyes are a little red, I deduce that he cried. I have spoken with parents. Their children are in Tony's team and I proposed we support them completely.

The game has resumed and we encourage the players as best we can. Tony approaches the goal with one of his team players. We applaud them because they managed to score a goal. 2 - 2. The players get back in place. My brother's team took the lead and another player scored a third goal.

The match just ended. Tony and his team won. They're in the locker room changing quickly and we hear them celebrating their victory. I see them going out. I hide to surprise him. Tony runs to mom and they hug each other.

"Dixie is not here ?" - Tony asks

"I don't know where she is." - My mother replies

"I thought she would be able to come."

"You thought well." - I reply, joining them

"Dixie !"

Tony drops his gym bag and runs to me. I hug him. He holds me tight in his arms.

"I have another surprise but we have to go home." - I say

"Let's go !" - Tony replies

Tony says goodbye to everyone and we walk to my mom's car. I'll drive instead of her. I wait for Tony and my mom to sit in the car. I start the engine and we leave Tony's soccer club. He tells me about football and his middle school.

I park my mom's car in front of the garage and we get out of the car. Tony takes his gym bag and we go home. He goes to put his things in the dirty laundry bin and he quickly takes a shower. I take out the presents for my mother and my brother and put them on the table. My mother is sat on the couch, reading a book. I hear my brother hurtle down the stairs.

"What's the surprise ?" - Tony asks

"Presents for you and mom." - I reply

My mom puts her book on the table. She and Tony open the presents and they're so happy.

"Thank you so much sweetheart !" - My mother says

"This is not over. I have something else for you two.

Tony jumps with impatience. I take out the tickets for the F1 GP in Spain and I give them. They look at me with stars in their eyes. Tony jumps with joy in the whole living room and my mother takes me in her arms crying with joy.

"Everything is booked as well." - I announce

"What do you mean ?"

"I already booked airplane tickets and two hotel rooms."

I give them a huge hug before I go get pizza for dinner tonight. I walk there because it's not far from home. I listen to music while walking and I smile at the people I meet. I arrive at the pizzeria and I order three pizzas. I can't wait to be at the Spanish GP with my mother and my brother, it's going to be amazing.

I pay for the pizzas and leave. When I enter the living room, I see that my brother has already chosen a movie to watch: Princess Mononoke. It's one of our favorite movies. I put the pizzas on the table and go into the kitchen to get a knife. I come back in the living room and I cut the pizzas in several parts. I discreetly send a message to Lewis to know if everything is okay and also to tell him that I arrived in Wellington. My heart is racing just to see him again. I try not to smile alone or my mother will ask me questions.

My mom fell asleep watching TV. I tell Tony to go brush his teeth while I wake up my mom to help her go to her bedroom. Once in her bedroom, I let her put on her pajamas and I join my brother in the bathroom to brush my teeth too. I put an arm around his shoulders and we look at each other in the mirror. I love my little brother. He is incredible.

We finish brushing our teeth and say good night to our mother. I let myself fall on my bed. I am exhausted. I reply to Lewis's messages:

Lewis : Hello princess, I'm happy to know you're arrived safely. I'm with Roscoe. I can't wait to see you and I want you to meet Roscoe.
Lewis : I'm okay. To be honest, I wish I was with you to be sure everything's okay. I hope your mother and your brother are okay xx.
Dixie : I can't wait to meet him too. I also wish you were here. They are so happy to see me. My brother won a match today : I was able to be there in time and he didn't know it at first but he was so happy when he saw me after the match. We came home, I gave them presents I bought for them and I also gave them tickets for the Spanish GP. They had no words to say, my mother cried with joy and my brother jumped happily in the living room. I also told them I booked everything so we'll be okay for that.
Lewis : You're amazing ! I can't wait to meet them. By the way, who is their favorite rider ?
Dixie : My brother is a fan of Carlos and my mother is a fan of Charles. They love you as well.
Lewis : That's great ! How are they ?
Dixie : They are okay. They are sleeping right now.
Lewis : We can talk tomorrow Dixie ! You are probably exhausted as well !
Dixie : I can stay a few more minutes.

We continue to talk for about ten minutes before I go to sleep. Of course, I fall asleep with a smile on my face, thanks to Lewis.

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