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I am finally arrived in Egypt. I slump on the bed of my hotel room. I have no energy. I did not sleep during the trip. I watched The Lion King and Bear Brothers. I love those movies so much. Probably my Disney favorites. I eat a sandwich before I take a shower. It's been a long journey, but I'm glad I finally got to Luxor. I can't wait to work. I turn on the TV to see if I can watch a movie. I turn it off because there's nothing interesting to watch. I wonder if Lewis is okay. By the way, he sent me several messages. I lay down under the blanket and I answer his messages. My eyes close themselves. I am exhausted and I fall asleep without realizing it.


I'm with friends in a bar. Carlos, Charles, Lando, and Daniel are there as well. We're waiting for George. I read Dixie's letter again today. I don't know what's wrong. Ever since I saw her, I've been thinking about her all the time. Her letter had an effect on me : I want to be close to her to make sure she's okay and I want to know her even more. I'm still looking at my phone to see if she answered me.

"She will reply, don't worry Lewis." - Carlos says

I shrug my shoulders. I feel relieved when I see Dixie's notification. Carlos and the guys already figured out the reason of my smile. I leave the bar because I want to hear Dixie's voice. We talk for half an hour. I find myself smiling when I hear her voice. I woke her up and I feel bad. She has to go to sleep, but I would like her to stay at least five more minutes. I convince her to stay a little longer. I miss her. I hang up and join the guys. George arrives a few minutes later. We order drinks and we talk about this season.

"Wake up, Lewis !" - George says

I giggle nervously because I was lost in my thoughts.

"What were you thinking about ?" - George asks

"Nothing." - I reply

"Don't lie mate." Charles adds

I roll my eyes and I sigh.

"Well, there is this girl. One of my fans. She wrote me a letter and she gave it to me at the Monaco GP and I read it. Since then, I can't stop thinking about her."

"If I may ask, what was the letter about ?" - Carlos asks

"She explained what she's been through. She also explained how I saved her in her darkest times. I often text her because I want to be sure she's okay." - I reply

"How do you feel about it ?" - Lando asks

"I'm grateful she's still there and to know I'm the one who saved her. I'm proud of her because she stayed strong for me. It also hurts me to know what she's been through because she doesn't deserve that. Nobody does. When I saw her with her bestie at the Monaco GP, I didn't imagine all those things happened to her. I just thought she was happy in her life. She looked gorgeous that day. I can't forget her smile and how emotional she was to see me."

"She was absolutely happy to see you. If she did that, it means she trusts you enough to talk about what happened to her and it also means you are so important to her." - George says

I smile thinking about her.

"I'd like to take her in my arms and tell her that everything is okay." - I say

"I think we all want to do that." - Daniel says

"Do you know when she comes to a GP again ?" - Lando asks

"She told me she'll try to come to one of the Spanish GP and she will be with her little brother and her mother."

"Yessss ! I can't wait !"

The guys keep asking questions about Dixie.

"Does she work ?" - Daniel asks

"Yes, she's an archaeologist and she's currently in Egypt for work." - I reply

"Wow ! Will she send you photos of where she is ?" - Charles asks

"I hope so."

"It would be amazing to visit Egypt."

"Why don't we go there in Summer ?" - Carlos proposes

"It's a great idea ! You should send a message in the F1 group about it." - George reply

Carlos grabs his phone and he taps away on it. Our phones ring and I read his message.

Carlos : Hey mates ! Going on a trip in Egypt tempts you ?
Fernando : When and how long ?

"He's right. How long are we going to stay there ?" - I ask

"A week is okay for our first time over there ?" - Daniel asks as well

"Sounds good." - Charles reply

Daniel : A week.
Max : Sounds great.
Pierre : I'm in !
Lance : I'm also in !

I text Dixie to know what she's doing in August.

Lewis : Where will you be in August ?
Dixie : I'll be in Cairo because I'll make some guided tours of the museum for some days. Then, I'll be in Abu Simbel to work in the temples.
Lewis : Sounds great ! Can you send me photos when you are over there ?
Dixie : Absolutely !
Lewis : Thank you so much, Dixie !
Dixie : No problem, Lewis !

I come back on the conversation of the F1 group and I read Sergio's message.

Sergio : Where will we go ?
Lewis : Cairo ?
Yuki : Perfect for me.

Valtteri and Kevin reply saying they are in. Oscar and Esteban and the other pilots reply they come with us. I can't wait to go there.

"... Lewis ?" - George asks

"What ?" - I reply, coming back to reality

"I asked if Dixie told you what she will do in August."

"She will be in Cairo for some days to make guided tours in a museum and then she will be in Abu Simbel."

"Guys ! Daniel and I have an idea !" - Lando says

"Tell us !" - Charles declares

"We can register for a guided tour when Dixie makes them so we will be able to see her." - Daniel explains

I didn't even think about that! I'm so impatient to see Dixie, but I don't want to disturb her in her work. My heart races just even the idea of seeing her. She must surely be sleeping but I still decide to send her a message to wish her good night.

Lewis : You are probably already sleeping but I wish you a good night princess <3.
Dixie : I was about to go to sleep, good night too Lewis <3.

Her text makes me smile. I put my phone in the pocket of my jacket and I keep talking with my friends.

I'm back at the hotel. I get changed quickly before I go to sleep. This weekend is the GP of Canada and I must be in great shape.

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