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Dixie left with her brother and her mother. She must be Egypt for her work. I can't wait to surprise her with the other pilots. I miss her. I don't know what I have. Since I saw her, I had this desire to get to know her. Her letter had an effect on me: I don't want to let her go. I constantly want to be around her. I don't know if it's just a concern or if there's anything else. When I am near her, I am also nervous and I want to do a lot of things with her. When she's not there, I feel like I'm pacing around and I want to spend time with her. While waiting to see her again, I must stay focused on the GP.

Today is race day. GP of Austria. Everyone is put in place. Tension is present. Adrenaline as well. I look at the drivers one last time before I put on my helmet and get in my car. My heart is beating at 100 an hour. I look straight ahead before the race begins.

I finished 8th. I would have liked to be at least in the top 5 but that's it. I'm in my motor-home. I look at Dixie's pictures on her Instagram. She's beautiful. I sigh and turn off my phone. I go outside and leave the circuit to pick up my stuff at the hotel. The next GP is in England. I can't wait to be there. I'm flying to England tonight. I will be able to spend time with my family.

I slump on the couch, exhausted from the GP and the trip. I'm at my mom's place. I'll go see my dad later. I want to be with my mom. I get up to help her cook. I haven't talked to her about Dixie yet. I don't know how to talk about it.

"Everything's okay, Lewis ?" - My mother asks

"I wanted to talk about something to you but I don't know how to broach it." - I reply

"Let's sit on the couch and talk about it !"

We sit on the couch and I tell her about Dixie. I tell her how we met and about her letter. Then, I tell her about my doubts and feelings for her. I am lost. I don't know what to think or do. Dixie is amazing, she impresses me every day. I noticed that she is hiding behind a shell and I would like to discover the person she is behind her withdrawn character. I'm sure she's a lovely person. I don't want to go too fast either. I keep talking about her with my mother.

"I think I need to meet her to have a better opinion. I told you what I thought about what you told me. Perhaps it will help if we meet each other." - My mother tells me

"I see. I'll talk about it to her. I'll see her in August." - I reply

"Tell me more about her."

I tell her that Dixie is New-Zealander and that she is an archaeologist. I could talk about her for hours.

"You have stars in your eyes when you talk about her." - My mother adds

I smile and laugh nervously. I want to see Dixie so much. I want her in my arms. I want to protect her. I want to be in August to see her. I show my mother a picture of Dixie and she tells me that Dixie looks charming. It makes me smile. Speaking of her, I get a message from her.

Dixie : I watched the Austrian GP. I'm still proud of you, Lewis. Don't give up.

Her message comfort me and I hasten to reply to her.

Lewis : Thank you Dixie ! I'm a bit sad to be 8th, but it's like that. I wish you were here ! I miss you...
Dixie : I miss you too, Lewis. Wanna call ?
Lewis : I can't right now, I'm with my mother. Maybe later?
Dixie : No problem ! Say hi to her for me please.
Lewis : She says hi too.
Dixie : I hope she's okay.
Lewis : She is !

I stay with my mother and we keep talking about Dixie and F1. I help her make dinner for tonight. Tomorrow, there is family coming. I look forward to see them. It will be great to see them.

I clear the table and I do the dishes so my mother is able to go to bed quietly. I go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth quickly. I go back to the living room and I sit on the couch. Roscoe put its head on my laps. I take a picture and I send it to Dixie. She replies instantly. I open her message and I see a picture of her with another dog.

Dixie : New buddy here, but can't wait to meet Roscoe.
Lewis : You look gorgeous.
Dixie : You're handsome as well, Lewis.
Lewis : Wanna call a bit ?
Dixie : Sure !

I open WhatsApp and I call her on video call. My heart races and I see her face appear with her angel's smile. We talk for a long time and it feels so good to talk to her. I listen to her, but I get lost in her eyes. Roscoe gets on the couch and it shows up on the camera. Dixie smiles again when she sees it. Roscoe lies on my laps. I stay on call with Dixie for five more minutes.

I'm lying on my bed. I can't sleep. I think about Dixie. I'm actually looking at her Instagram. I'm looking at her pictures. I got so attached to this girl. I can't let her go. I still want to talk to her but she has to sleep because she works tomorrow. I sigh and I get up for a glass of water, in the kitchen. I notice it's 1:30 am. I finish my glass of water before I put the glass in the sink. I go back to my room and I try to sleep. When I close my eyes, I see Dixie. I know she's sleep but I still send her a message before I sleep.

Lewis : Well.. I know you're sleeping but I miss you. I couldn't sleep so I thought about texting you. I hope you sleep well princess.

I wake up quietly and I go to the living room. I hear noises in the kitchen and I see my mother. I see her looking at me with a small smile.

"Everything's okay, mom ?" - I ask

"You love her, right ?" - My mother replies

"What makes you say that ?"

"I heard you saying her name in your sleep."

My heart misses a beat and I don't know what to say. I don't smile, because I remember dreaming about.

"When ?"

"Thirty minutes ago."

I'm speechless. The last time I talked in my sleep was a long time ago. I eat a bowl of cereal without saying anything. My mother already had breakfast. I think about the dream with Dixie and it makes me smile.

                                       *Flashback of the dream*

I'm at the beach with Dixie. We're walking on the hot sand, hand in hand. She's gorgeous. I can't help but look at her. Roscoe is with us. It is walking in front of us. I needed to spend time with her. Just a moment with her. Suddenly, she pushes me into the water unexpectedly. Then, I see her running so I don't catch her. I smile before I run after her. Roscoe runs with me. I catch Dixie and I take her in my arms to throw her in the water, except I fall with her. She grabbed my arm to take me down. I laugh with her. Looking at her laughing, I also realize I fell in love with her. She splashes me before she gets up to try to run away again. I catch her again, but we get splashed by a wave. Dixie sticks to me. I hug her before I look at her. Her eyes meet mine. My heart races when I see her smile. I would like to kiss her but I don't know how she would react. She blushes when I run my hand through her hair. I wipe a drop of water off her cheek. I take my courage in both hands and I kiss her softly. I smile when I see she doesn't reject me. I look at he and I tell her I love her.

                                    *End of the flashback*

That's when I woke up. I find myself smiling like an idiot just thinking about that dream. I can feel my heart beating so fast. Maybe one day that dream will come true.

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