chapter 2

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"Josh Jackson!!!!" Out of all men, my mother wants me to marry him.shit!!
"Yes ,I bet you know him. Rowan..we need someone like him . He is very talented." I hate to admit it but this is my reality. Living to satisfy people whom I don't even know. "don't you believe in my talent and hardwork."
"It's not what I meant. " Her face softened.
" Yeah I got it .When you want me to marry him" Arguing with her is fruitless and what's the point of arguing when your own mother who doesn't even care about you. " you have to meet him tomorrow, marriage will be soon ." Ofcourse she would be even planned which colour bedsheet we have to use on our first night. That's my mother. She plans, she executes."okay." Maybe because of my short replies she continued again
"Rowan there are legal systems if you can't fix into a marriage. Like seperation." 
"It takes time mother, we can only file a divorce after one year of the marriage." One year , i can't even imagine living with a man for one year.
"It just one year, Rowan . Can't you atleast try for an year for me". Emotional blackmailing. yeah it always works when it comes from family, right!

  The coffee shop is very cozy. The slow music and the aroma of coffee
really helped me to uplift my mood, its very refreshing.
"Hi" a deep and strong voice got my attention and i looked at the owner of that voice. A well framed man who is standing next to my around table.
At first time in my life i felt a competition , cause the man is flawless.
His hair is perfectly brushed. If a beam of light cloud weave itself into a strand, that is his hair . Casual wears yet smells the luxury. It's looks like I came for a business meet and him for a vacation. " I'm josh, josh Jackson" he extended his hand towards me.
" Rowan Toms, please be seated"
I takes his hand and said.
After that we both ordered hot chocolate. " Do you have any another plans today?" I can easily say he asked it just because my outfit. " Yess " sometimes lying is easier than saying truth. " I heard so much about you, you really inspires so many startups, it's amazing." I stunned when he said this, its not a usual thing for me  ofcourse people will always glorify me but I clearly know it's all because of money. But this one is the genuine compliment that I have ever received, even my mother doesn't said something like this .
"Thank you" i said with a small smile on my face. Our hot chocolate has arrived. After my 'thank you ' our table went a silent mode.
" If you want to know about me you can ask. Feel free" i stares at the man infront of me who had a annoying grin on his face. " No, i already knew about you."
I googled everything about him before i came here."ohh. That's interesting what you know about me?, I'm curious". " You are 28, one and only son of Christy Jackson. You were studying at abroad before the joining in your father's company. You were a basketball team captain back then in school and college. And you love seafood." I said all in a single breath. And that man started to laugh at me.
" What's so funny?" Irritation bloomed in me. " Ohh sorry, you.. you Googled my name, don't you?" Shit, how the hell he knew it?!
" Actually when i get bored i also Google my own name ,trust me it's fun".  wow! a true phycho path.
" To be honest I'm not a big fan of sea food, i don't know where did they got that information."  my eyes focus on my hot chocolate like this is the first time I have seen a hot chocolate ever.
" So you wanna get married?" His question caused to pause my  hot chocolate's cup before it reaching my lips.
" Yeah i worked so long now i want to think about a family." Lying is not hard after all. Just one years i had to wear this mask ." Okay, cool."
                   We  are heading out from the coffee shop after a small talk mainly he is the one who talked all the time .
I don't want to know about him . Whether he is Saint or demon, i don't care ,moreover he has an annoying charm , i don't know why i didn't like that. Its really disturbing.
" They are planning the wedding very soon i think we should ask for some more time it will help to get to know each-"   " no, no I'm totally ok with this data"  i didn't even gave him the  time to complete the sentence.
I don't have a escape from this ,I know my mother very well so postponing this wedding would only prolongs my frustration." Oh.. okay. I didn't know that you are really desperate to marry me." He chuckled. This mother fu*ker. Now i officially dislike this guy.

To be continued.....


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