My Incredible Interview with xXJessInfinityxX

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* Hello everyone! I was so happy when my best friend/ favorite author agreed to doing an interview! Her name is XxJessInfinityxX ! She is the sweetest , most kindest person I have ever met! Her books rock as well for she is an amazing writer! So without further or do here is the Interview Between me and xXJessInfinityxX !......


Me- So Jess here is a common question that many authors are ask, when did you realize that you wanted to write and what inspired you to give it a go?

Jess- It was actually a while ago. I was in the fourth grade, and I had this obsession with reading Disney channel fanfics (don't judge me lol). There came a point in time when all the good fanfics ran out, and I just could not deal with the crappy ones that had literally no depth to them, so I simply decided to write my own. It started out as just fanfic writing, but then I discovered Wattpad and came to the decision that I could really expand my writing, which led me to do something more than fanfic. I decided to write teen fiction/romance with characters I drew up from my own thoughts and ideas. I was a bit skeptical at first about the change I was making, hut I'm glad i tried it because I thoroughly enjoy writing the stories I am now.


Me- Here is a funny question for you, would you rather be a Vegetarian or a Vegan and why?

Jess- Vegetarian for sure. I live off of eggs.


Me-A lot of people say that online friends are nice than people who are not online, what is your opinion on it?

Jess- I think that's pretty true. Some incredibly good friends of mine are the ones I happened to have met online. I've found that my "Internet friends" listen and acknowledge if I'm going through a rough time more than my "real life friends" a lot of the time. That's just me though.


Me- Who are your homies on wattpad? Like who are your bestest friends who you could talk to if you need to get something off your chest?

Jess- I'm actually fairly new to the Wattpad community, so no one really yet. I mean, I talk to people but I'm not very close to them on this particular social media. I'm going to give it time.


Me- What is your favorite food that you couldn't go at least a day without eating? What food do you hate so much that if it was the last thing to eat on earth you would rather starve?/why?

Jess- I've recently gotten addicted to these type of mini vanilla Oreo cookies from the vending machine from the place I work, and I really wish I hadn't discovered it because I want to lose weight.I absolutely despise peanut butter and any peanut type products. It smells God awful and I'm assuming it tastes just as bad. I wouldn't know because I've never tried it, and lucky I haven't because I've recently just found out I'm highly allergic to peanuts


Me- Ooo here's a funky question! What are you scared of and what event made you become terrified of that thing?

Jess- I'm absolutely terrified of clowns, and I have no idea why. I think it's because when I was little my mom used to hang up these creepy a** pictures in my sister and I's bedroom, and the eyes looked like they were following you however way you moved. It was more so terrifying at night when I was trying to sleep.


Me- So Jess What are other things that you do other than read and write stories on wattpad?

Jess- I have a part time job at a department store, I go to the movies or just walk around mall with my friends, and I go on trips/getaways with my family occasionally.


Me- When was the first time you were called an inspiration and how did you feel when you were called that? and why did you feel that way?

Jess- In fourth grade I had this first grade buddy that I was suppose to do projects with, read to, talk to, etc. and while she never directly said I was her inspiration she said it silently a thousand different ways, and it felt pretty amazing.


Me- A lot of people write fan fictions about one direction or five seconds of summer [ like me! ] did this give you the motivation to write something different? and why?

Jess- Yes, actually. Like I said before I really got tired of reading fanfiction, and then writing it so I decided on something different.


Me- Okay, here is a hard question..... If you had to choose between One Direction { the band I'm obessed with ] or five seconds of summer which would you choose? and why?

Jess- One Direction because I know more of their stuff than 5SOS. Plus, my first concert was them so I kind of have an attachment to them and probably always will.


Me- Here's a tough question. If you had to go on a blind date with a member of one direction which one would you like to go with and why?

Jess- Zayn (if he even still counts since he left the band). I've always had a major crush on him. Not only is he gorgeous, but he seems to have a very kind heart. Shame he's taken though lmao. Best of luck to Zerrie.


Me- Okay so, Do you remember that dress that made the world ALMOST go crazy? Did the dress look Gold& White or Blue & Black to you?

Jess- Oh my gosh, YES. I was pulling my hair out over that debate! The dress was definitely white and gold, and I will not accept anything else.


Me- I you had to say anything to fans, what would you say? [ I am one of your fans! ]

Jess- "Fans" I even have any fans? Lmao that sounds so weird. I would tell my READERS that they should always follow their dreams. It sounds cliché, but it's really important to do what you love and never settle for anything less because if you do...I mean...was it ever really your dream?


Me- If one of your dearest friends or followers said " I am going to quit im giving up my dream " what would you say to them to tell them to not quit?

Jess- I would honestly tell them to stop being a weak flake and keep trying their hand at what they love. I have a firm belief against giving up on your dreams. If you're so ready to give up on something you claimed to be a dream, then I don't think it was ever your dream. You'll regret turning your dream into a reality down the road. That I'm 100% sure of.


* There you have it pineapples! I Had such a fun time interviewing Jess, she is so kind and very talented! Thank-you Jess for doing this interview with me! Remember to Vote, like and comment your thoughts! Please follow XxJessInfinityxX ! And read her amazing works:) have a great day!

PS: I hope you like the image I added! I made it all myself;]

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