My Fantastic Interview with 1DLover121!

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Hey guys! I am sorry for not publishing any interviews for a long time, I was so busy with school and everything, so it was very hard for me to even get on wattpad! But not worries, I am back with yet another amazing interview! For this interview, I asked questions to my friend and amazing author, who inspires me a lot, her name is 1DLover121! She is so nice and she was so kind for doing this interview with me! I hope you enjoy!


Me- Alright, lets start off with an easy question. How did you first discover Wattpad? Did you find it through a friend? Was there an advertisment online? Or did you just happen to stumble upon it?

Julia-Is it bad that I can't really remember? Ha! I think I was just stalking One Direction one day (typical) and stumbled upon a fanfic on this site.


Me-Next question, When did you offically join Wattpad?

Julia- About three years ago, I believe.


Me- Why did you choose wattpad when you could have chose another app where you could write books?

Julia-Wattpad is more straight broad and easier to navigate to me, not to mention has more members to chat with. I think it's just more organized.


Me- what was your inspiration for your book " Fat "?

Julia-Too many people define themselves by their weight, and wanting to just remind people that a number doesn't create you as a person felt important to me. I've struggled with weight myself (still am), so it's nice to see all the love in the comments from Wattpaders supporting each other. So many people have inspiring stories, and that's sort of what I wanted Fat to be. Inspiration, motivation--just relatable.


Me- Do you think that after reading " fat " that people will feel inspired?

Julia-That's the goal... many people have messaged me telling me their stories and how they've connected with Fat. I think that's a beautiful thing; to read a story you can truly connect to.


Me- Is " Fat " suppose to be a sad book or a happy book?

Julia-I'd say both, honestly. You're supposed to feel that kind of burden on your shoulders that Delilah carries around, but you're also supposed to feel that burden lift when she gets healthier. I like a book that makes you feel more than one emotion, so that's really what I'm trying to achieve.


Me- If you could say one thing to your followers what would you say?

Julia-Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. For the abundant support and for being my friends. I never imagined to get a single read, nonetheless millions! It's mind blowing. There are no words to express my gratitude.


Me- This is something probably every follower of yours wants to know, What can someone do to get you to follow them?

Julia-Just be kind. I recognize behavior on Wattpad. If someone is a genuine fan or just trying to get attention. Most times, I'll follow anyone who asks. I don't think of myself above others just because I have a good amount of followers. And I love meeting new people (:

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